When and with what? (Tree of life)

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Do not fertilize Thuja Brabant too much or too little

Even if Thuja Brabant is quite fast-growing, you shouldn't overdo it with fertilizing. If the tree of life receives too many nutrients, it is just as harmful as if it is undersupplied.

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If you like mineral fertilizers Coniferous fertilizer or Epsom salt, you have to pay attention to the dosage. When using organic fertilizers, however, over-fertilization is unlikely.

When is fertilization carried out?

In the first year after plants you do not need to fertilize the hedge if you have prepared the soil well beforehand. Thuyas that have been planted with root balls are also already well taken care of.

You can only give the Thuja Brabant additional fertilizer from the following year. This is best done in spring, before the tree of life sprouts.

Suitable fertilizers for Thuja Brabant

  • compost
  • deposited manure
  • Horn shavings
  • Coniferous fertilizer

Coniferous fertilizer is mostly used as Slow release fertilizer offered. It only needs to be given once a year. With compost, manure and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) also fertilize in spring. You should rake the fertilizer lightly into the soil.

After fertilizing, you need to water the thuja well.

Fertilize with Epsom salt

Fertilize with Epsom salt is often recommended. But this only makes sense if the Thuja Brabant suffers from a magnesium deficiency. He shows through yellow Needles. Any suspicion should be confirmed by a soil survey before giving Epsom salts.

Epsom salt is sprayed on the underside of the leaves in liquid form or sprinkled in solid form on the ground around the tree of life. Avoid bringing the trunk or even the roots directly into contact with the Epsom salt.

Put on a mulch cover

By creating a mulch cover made of grass clippings, leaves, shrub clippings and other suitable materials, you can optimally supply Thuja Brabant with nutrients.


Thuja Brabant is a particularly robust variety of the tree of life. Since he is very densely planted and also has a compact growth habit, this tree of life is particularly suitable as a hedge.

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