Grow sweet potatoes in the bucket

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Advantages of keeping in the bucket

  • Can be cultivated on the terrace or balcony to save space
  • the long shoots hang over the pot
  • a suitable privacy screen as a tendril
  • mobile (at the onset of early frost)

Demands on the pot

The sweet potato spreads not only above ground. Overhanging shoots are usually not a problem. You should rather consider that the tubers have enough space to grow. Therefore, the volume of your pot should be at least 30 liters.

also read

  • Freeze and thaw sweet potatoes
  • Store sweet potatoes properly
  • How to store sweet potatoes for several weeks

The right location

Since the potato comes from the tropics, it only develops well in fully sunny and warm locations. Is your terrace or balcony facing south? Perfect, this is where your sweet potato will grow well. Temperatures around 24 ° C are ideal. Below this value, the crop shows significantly slower growth. However, there are also varieties whose leaves burn in direct sunlight. You have to store them in partial shade.

The substrate

If you keep your batata in a pot, it does not make great demands on unusual substrate mixtures. Conventional

Potting soil is completely sufficient for the plant. It thrives even better in a mixture of sand and compost. However, the roots should never come into direct contact with the compost. Geranium soil has also proven itself for healthy growth. Make sure, however, that no waterlogging forms in the bucket. Loose soil and additional drainage on the pot prevent root rot from occurring. On the other hand, you should keep the substrate constantly moist. It is best to enrich the soil with a little fertilizer. A liquid fertilizer is recommended for this during the growth phase from March to September.

Planting partner

Your potato will look even more attractive with additional plants in the pot. Summer flowers harmonize particularly well with sweet potatoes due to the splendor of the blooms. However, keep in mind that after an initial delay, the sweet potato will grow very quickly in a suitable location. Slow growing plant partners are therefore out of place. Rather choose plants that spread just as quickly.

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