This is the best way to proceed

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Prepare vessels

Use a plastic pot ten centimeters in diameter for each seedling or place the tomatoes in separate sections. It is important that irrigation water can run off optimally through drainage holes in the floor. If you use pricking vessels several times, clean them before using them again. This means that there is no risk of the isolated tomato plants being affected by pathogens.

also read

  • Prick out tomato plants - how to do it right?
  • White flies attack the tomato
  • Pricking flowers made easy

Fill with substrate

Tomatoes need loose soil that allows air to reach the roots. That Growing substrate(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) should be constantly moist but not too wet. In this phase it is important to have a low concentration of nutrients so that the fine roots do not lose too much moisture. Fill the container about halfway with soil.

Separate young plants

Moisten the substrate with a flower sprayer to help the plants loosen. Loosen the soil around the tomato seedlings and have a prick stick ready. A clean kitchen knife, pen or spoon are alternatives that exist in every household. Work your way through the growing container and place the dug up plant directly in the prepared pot so that the culture is stressed as little as possible.

How to isolate correctly:

  • Insert tools on the stem into the substrate
  • Carefully pry out the root ball together with the clods of earth
  • Check the health of the seedling
  • Sort out specimens with brown and thin roots
  • Shorten excessively long main roots to two centimeters

The young plants can stand lower in the new planter than in the previous substrate. This stimulates the formation of roots on the stem, which increases stability and improves water absorption. Fill the pots with after inserting Potting soil on.

Subsequent care

Water the freshly potted plants so that the roots come into contact with the soil and the seedling does not dry out. Use a spray bottle for this so as not to wash away the tender plants. For the next three days, the culture must not get direct sunlight, as the plants cannot compensate for the loss of fluid.

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