A guide from location to propagation

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The right planting time

Depending on the climatic conditions, you can plant the palm between the end of March and June. This allows the attractive plant to use almost the entire gardening season to get used to the changed site conditions.

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Palm trees prefer a place that is as sunny as possible and protected from rain, wind and snow. Is ideal a location near heated buildings as it is a bit warmer here in winter. Choose a place where the palm tree is pampered by sunlight for a few hours even in the cold season.

The substrate

Palms prefer loose surfaces that are neither too sandy nor too clayey. Mix abundantly humus, Compost soil or special Palm soil under the excavation of the planting hole. For some species, it is advisable to mix in additional gravel so that the soil remains permanently loose.


First, dig out a planting pit that is twice the size of the root ball. Loosen the subsoil deeply and apply a drainage layer

Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) or gravel. These plants are quite sensitive to moisture and are usually used a little higher. Only when it is very sandy Garden soil you can do without this measure and plant the palm at root level.

Tie up palm trees

In the first year in particular, palm trees are not very stable. For this reason, drive sticks into the ground to the right and left of the trunk and secure the plant with coconut ropes. Then it is vigorously watered.

Plant spacing

This depends on the variety and should generally be at least half of the expected growth width. You can plant flowers or herbs under the palm so that the space under the southern beauties does not look so bare.

Preference and increase

Growing palm trees yourself is quite tedious. There is Palm species whose seeds take two years to germinate. However, some species form Offshoots and side shoots, which you can carefully cut off with a sharp knife in spring and plant in a pot.

The blossom

To palm trees in the open begin to bloom it may take a few years. So the frequently encountered needs Hemp palm about ten years until it first flowers. So don't lose your patience.


Since most of the palm trees in our latitudes are grown under glass, it is important to get the plant used to the unfamiliar conditions before putting it in the garden. A sheltered place on the balcony or terrace without direct midday sun is ideal.