Multi-faceted types of peas as the basis for delicate varieties
It is amazing what an impressive variety of delicious varieties the following 3 types of peas produced:
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Palerbse - pea pea
The frost-tolerant pea species is predominantly called Dry pea used. Your sleeves have an inner skin. In terms of taste, it tends in a bitter direction due to the high starch content.
Visually, the pea pea hardly differs from the pea pea. Those who prefer a mild, sweet taste, prefer this type. It can only be eaten fresh. It is not dried through cooking. Knowledgeable gardeners do not put them until April.
Sugar pea
As a popular snack vegetable, the sugar pea impresses with its delicate taste. Since the parchment layer is missing here, the pods can also be consumed. In terms of cultivation, it is at the level of pea peas. Some varieties can also tolerate an earlier one sowing.
Delicious and high-yielding pea varieties
East Frisian field pea
A rose-flowering variety that grows up to 40 cm high. Thanks to the tight habitus, one Climbing aid be waived. Sow from March - harvest from June.
Earliest May
The popular variety lives up to its name. It climbs up to 110 cm. Sow from February - harvest from May.
Little Rhinelander
At 50 cm, the tried and tested pea variety remains quite small. Planted in double rows, the plants support each other. Sow from March - harvest from June.
Aromatic, medium-early spring peas varieties
Salzmünder Edelperle
Their height ranges from 80 to 100 cm. The peas taste equally good raw and cooked. Sow in April - harvest from July.
The variety scores with high yields and uncomplicated cultivation without support. Sow in April - harvest from July.
The ideal variety for the freezer. Delivers a safe harvest. Sow in April - harvest from July.
Tender sweet peas varieties
Brilliant white flowers and bright green pods. An early variety for impatient connoisseurs. Sow from March - harvest from June.
Gray variegated flowers
A decorative bloom of purple and pink over light green pods. Sow from March - harvest from June.
Groot sugar apes
Tall growing variety up to 200 cm with pretty white flowers and juicy, sweet peas. Sow from April - harvest from July.
Tips & Tricks
Experience has shown that early pea varieties carry up to 20 percent less than those laid later.