Growing kiwi in Germany

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Kiwi is a climbing, deciduous shrub that is easy to care for, robust and optimal Location is profitable. The fruits of the China originating creeper all the year long available in German supermarkets. In the meantime, the exotic climbing fruit is also conquering local gardens.

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The right variety for every climate

A wide range of different Kiwi varieties does not make it easy for the garden owner to decide. First and foremost, when buying, you should ensure that the variety offered is frost-resistant enough for the given climatic situation.

Large-fruited kiwis are good for wine-growing regions with mild winter conditions Income, while the much more robust mini kiwifruit, which bear small, smooth fruits, can withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C without damage and are therefore also suitable for colder areas.

Planting and care instructions

The bought Kiwi plants should preferably be planted in early summer so that they are well established by the onset of winter and have a better chance of

Overwinter to have. The bushes that are planted in autumn should be removed. Overwinter frost-free in the bucket for the first year or take care of the root area outdoors Mulch,(€ 13.95 at Amazon *) Protect leaves and brushwood from frost.

When choosing a location, it is also important to ensure that it is as sheltered from the wind as possible and that it is warm. A south or south-west wall with a trellis or a pergola in front of it is ideal Climbing aid. The soil should be rich in nutrients and slightly acidic. Since the kiwis are dioecious, you need at least one male and a female plant, the distance should be about 1-4 meters between the two.

Tips & Tricks

Many of the particularly frost-resistant mini kiwi varieties are self-fertilizing, so that you can also get by with one kiwi plant and enjoy the delicious smooth-skinned kiwis from your own garden.