The most important types at a glance

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The columnar cactus is native to South America

The home of the columnar cactus is South America. There it grows in predominantly rocky terrain. It stores water in its trunks and tolerates dry periods well. None of the many species of columnar cactus is hardy. You must therefore always overwinter them indoors.

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Identify columnar cactus

There are numerous very different looking types of cereus. However, unlike leaf cacti, they have some in common characteristics.

Column cacti always grow upright with only one or more trunks. Some species are hairy, others armed with thick, strong thorns.

The flower shapes range from drooping long white-red flowers to red, upright ones blossoms.

The columnar cactus rarely blooms in indoor culture

For a columnar cactus to bloom, it must be several years old. If it is kept exclusively in indoor culture, it almost never sets flowers. Only when it is given a break in winter does it occasionally form flowers.

In most of the species of columnar cactus kept here, the flowers only open at night and close again in the morning.

Known species of the columnar cactus

offered. Surname shape colour Ribs blossom Flower color particularities
Cereus jamacaru single stem bluish green 6 – 10 up to 20 cm long white-greenish long, pointed thorns
Cereus peruvianus single stem bluish green 5 – 8 up to 15 cm long white-pink few sharp thorns
Cephalocereus senilis multi-stemmed white hairy 20 – 30 short, standing Red also called Greisenhaupt
Cleistocactus strausii multi-stemmed green 25 – 30 tubular protruding wine red also called silver candle
Cereus peruvianus multi-stemmed green-bluish 9 – 10 12 to 15 cm reddish tips also called rock cactus


Not all columnar cacti have long thorns. In some species, however, these are very pronounced, while others have very soft, small spines. Therefore, be careful, especially if children and pets are part of the family.