This is what you should pay attention to

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Choosing the right seed

The gardener distinguishes two main types: the summer leek and the autumn leek. If you have the sowing If you want to make early spring, choose seeds for summer leeks so that you can start as early as June Harvest the leek can.

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The best place for sowing leeks

Summer leeks are sown under glass from January. You can sow autumn leeks outdoors from July. A humus-rich, loose soil that should be deep is preferred.

Prepare the bed

Leek needs a lot of nutrients. Prepare the bed by loosening it deeply. Mix in plenty of ripe compost or manure. Keep the bed weed-free and water the bed just before sowing.

Sow the leek correctly

  • Row spacing of 30 centimeters
  • Sow seeds thinly.
  • cover with a thin layer of earth
  • Press the bottom lightly.

Plant out in the field

The germination time is two to three weeks. From a height of five centimeters, the plants are set lower so that the desired white stems develop.

To do this, carefully use one of the little plants spade dig out and plant at least five, better still 10 centimeters, deep into the ground at a planting distance of 15 centimeters. From April the ones that are preferred in the greenhouse will be Leek plants planted out in the open .

With proper leek care, the first stalks will be ready for harvest as early as June. Autumn varieties are harvested from the end of September until the onset of frost.

Tips & Tricks

Leek is ideal as a mixed culture with carrots, tomatoes or cabbage. This will prevent pests and diseases.