The Schefflera as a houseplant »The best care tips (ray aralia)

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The look

the Schefflera you can recognize them by their slim, upright stature. With good care, it can reach a height of over two meters. Since it hardly branches out, several plants are usually offered in stores fixed around a moss trunk.

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The glossy, dark green, large leaves are arranged in rays. House plants very rarely bloom. If this is the case, educates the ray aralia green-yellow flower panicles.

The right location

The Schefflera feels comfortable even in slightly darker areas of the room and can easily handle dry heating air. It thrives in the Penumbra, but also loves lighter places. However, direct sunlight should be avoided.

Soil and repotting

No matter if you are for Hydroponics or conventional houseplant soil, the ray aralia grows well in both variants. Repot young plants annually and shorten roots that have become too long.

Watering and fertilizing

Keep the substrate slightly moist, but do not overdo it with the water supply, as the ornamental leaf plant is sensitive to over-wetting.

It is fertilized once a week during the growing season with a commercially available liquid fertilizer for leaf plants. In winter it is enough to add once a month fertilize.

Occasionally shower the plant or wipe the foliage with a damp cloth and lime-free water. This makes the leaves shiny and healthy.

The cut back

If the ray aralia grows over your head, you can bravely reach for the scissors:

  • Trim the tip from time to time; this encourages bushy growth and prevents the lower area from becoming bald.
  • The few side shoots should be shortened regularly for the same reason.
  • Since the Schefflera lignifies, the branches are cut off just above a bud or a fork of a branch.
  • Plants that have lost a lot of leaves during the winter months, sprout vigorously after pruning.

Diseases and pests

The Schefflera is an extremely robust houseplant. Only too much water can lead to root rot. Occasionally kick

  • Scale, aphids or mealybugs as well
  • Spider mites

on. These can be treated well with a commercially available insecticide.


In the warm summer months, you can put the ray aralia outdoors. Here, too, the location should not be too sunny and sheltered from the wind. Bring the plant back inside as soon as the night temperatures drop below ten degrees.