She likes this location best

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Requirements for the location: sunny to shady

These plants give preference to a sunny location. But also in Penumbra they thrive splendidly. They can even be found in the shade. Therefore columbines are valuable flowers for the garden. They grow where other flowering plants have a hard time.

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The sunnier the location, the taller columbines grow and the fresher the soil should be. According to experts, these plants grow best in the moving shade under tall shrubs.

An optimal location, a rich sowing

Columbines abound in ideal locations. Willingly multiply they think about self-sowing. But be careful: If different varieties stand together, there are often no proper offspring. It is therefore advisable to plant the columbine varieties in isolation from one another.

Requirements for the substrate: loose and moist

Even before the sowing of the columbines, the soil should be examined. While the alpine columbine tolerates a calcareous soil, other columbines do not tolerate such conditions.

Before planting, the soil is loosened and enriched with compost. Columbines for the pot should be a nutrient-rich Potting soil obtain. Columbines for the open ground are pleased with the following features of the soil:

  • fresh
  • humus
  • relaxed
  • permeable
  • wet
  • nutritious
  • sandy-loamy

Tips & Tricks

If you want to create a natural-looking location, plant the columbines along with hellebore and Hepatica. These plants also come into their own Daffodils as well as next to larger perennials such as silver candles, hostas and Hydrangeas.