How to use leaves as mulch and fertilizer

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Mulch(€ 239.00 at Amazon *) from foliage is the most cost effective method of making your Garden soil to enrich with nutrients. By not disposing of the fallen leaves, you save the purchase of expensive fertilizers. In addition, there is no more natural one fertilizer than the organic material.
Of course, the foliage also requires a lot less work not to be picked up, but only in the garden to distribute. They even reduce the necessary care measures in a double sense: it is difficult for weeds to find their way to the surface of the earth through a thick layer of leaves. Would you like to be in the next spring don't struggle with weeding, just apply a layer of mulch of fallen leaves to your beds.

also read

  • Pick up helpful tips on foliage
  • Collect leaves with the lawn tractor - effective or not?
  • Removing or leaving leaves on the lawn?

Frost protection for perennials

  1. Pick up leaves
  2. Put four wooden sticks in the ground around the perennial
  3. tinker a fence around the bars with wire
  4. fill the square with leaves

Process leaves into mulch

  1. Collect leaves
  2. let it rest for around two weeks
  3. then distribute in the garden

Little helpers

In the decomposition of the foliage, small microorganisms come to your aid. These feed on the withered leaves. Then they divorce them as humus out again.

What to watch out for

  • Oak, chestnut and Walnut tree leaves is usually too big to be mulched directly from it. Before doing this, you should keep it small chop.
  • Spread the leaves in the corners of the garden as well. Many animals find winter quarters here.
  • Be careful not to layer the foliage too high. If moisture forms, there is a high probability that the bad weather fungus will nestle mildew caused.