The most important things from A to Z

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The best location and the right earth

Gypsophila likes it dry and warm. Therefore, the Location be sunny if possible, he may also like to lie in the blazing sun. Only young plants cannot tolerate too much sun. Tall growing varieties should be protected from the wind. A support is also recommended here so that the plants do not lie on the ground in wind or rain.

also read

  • Can you plant gypsophila in a pot?
  • How to care for gypsophila - the most important tips
  • The ideal location for gypsophila

Calcareous and stony, this is good soil for gypsophila. If it gets too many nutrients, it will not bloom as intended. If the soil is too heavy, you can loosen it up with sand or gravel. Low-growing varieties are ideal for planting dry stone walls or rock gardens. They are also popular to plant in buckets and pots.

The best time to plant

In principle, you can plant gypsophila all year round, as long as the soil is free from frost. However, the ideal time to plant new cuttings and adult gypsophila is spring. At this time, you can also use existing plants

share. It is best to put a drainage layer made of potsherds or coarse gravel in the planting hole, because the gypsophila does not tolerate waterlogging.

Sow gypsophila

Sow Put gypsophila in pots in March or April and cover the seeds with just a little soil, which you can only slightly moisten. Cover the pots with a glass plate or transparent foil and place the pots in a warm but not too sunny place. During germination, the seeds should only be slightly moistened and ventilated regularly.

The best planting tips:

  • dry and warm
  • Avoid waterlogging at all costs
  • possibly create a drainage layer
  • nutrient-poor soil
  • Absolutely do without compost
  • do not water at all or only a little

Tips & Tricks

So that your gypsophila blooms profusely, it needs a nutrient-poor and dry soil. to water Do not add too much and do not use fertilizers or compost.