When & how do you do it?

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The color change indicates that it is ready for harvest

A proper cultivation starts the color change on the pods towards the end of summer. Depending on the variety, the chillies take on their original color from the tip. This process only takes a few days.

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A few sorts keep their green color or offer the highest degree of spiciness when green. Therefore, further criteria should determine the time of harvest.

  • the shell gradually contracts
  • the pulp gives way when you press it
  • small black spots appear

Avoid injuries to fruits

Once the decision has been made to start harvesting, you have cleared the most important hurdle. Now it is important to separate the ripe chillies from the plant intact. Any damage to the shell will result in rot and pest infestation.

  • Never break off pods
  • cut off with a sharp knife or scissors
  • the intersection is in the middle between the stem and the plant

Discoloration does not mean a loss of quality

Chilies without discoloration are rather the exception. The formation of dark spots is often part of the pigment formation. Even completely black areas are not considered a symptom of a disease of the fruit.

Such fruits are usually already edible. To the dry however, they are no longer suitable. Especially if you want to preserve the harvest in a dehydrator or oven.

Harvesting and collecting seeds go hand in hand

With the chilli harvest there is always the question of propagation. Because with every fresh pod you keep plenty Seed material for sowing in the hand. Only fully ripe chilies are eligible. The seeds of green pods cannot germinate.

  • cut the fruit in half with a knife
  • lift out the seeds with a teaspoon
  • Lay out on kitchen paper and allow to dry

Protect yourself with gloves, breathing protection and glasses during this work. This is especially true when processing sharp Chilli varieties.

Tips & Tricks

Harvesting the chilli peppers at the earliest possible point in time motivates the plant to produce renewable fruits.

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