Planting chives »The most important planting tips

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Which location prefers chives?

Loves chives sunny to partially shaded locations, but often thrives very well in a shady spot.

also read

  • Properly care for chives in the pot
  • Chives - The ideal herb for pots and balconies
  • Hibernate chives outside without any problems

What is the best substrate for chives?

Chives need moist and humus-rich, but at the same time loose soil. Although the herb loves moisture, it does not tolerate waterlogging.

When is the best time to plant chives?

You can plant young chives in the garden bed as early as mid-March. Chives are very insensitive to the cold and will most likely survive night frosts well.

Can I also sow chives?

Of course, you can also make your own chives pull from the black seeds. It is a dark germ, the seeds of which germinate only poorly when it is warm. Bring the seeds outdoors from around mid-March and cover them with a layer of soil about one to two centimeters thick. The seeds germinate best at temperatures between 1 and 10 ° C. However, only the earth should be free from frost.

Do I have to give preference to chives?

No. From a move on the windowsill or in the Cold frame is not advisable, as chives are cold germs.

At what distance should the individual plants be planted?

You can cut chives in bunches and approx. Plant 20 centimeters.

How can I transplant chives?

Actually, the chives - provided they are planted in the garden - do not need to be transplanted. Only Chives in the pot should be placed in a larger pot with fresh soil every two to three years.

How can chives be propagated?

Chives are usually propagated by their seeds or by division. The best time to split is early spring, as the plant will then take root more quickly and grow in its new location. To divide, dig up the entire plant with the help of a spade fork and cut through the rhizome with a sharp (and clean!) Knife. You can then replant the two chives separately. Such a division should only take place every three years, otherwise the plant will be weakened too much.

When can I harvest chives?

Chives can be used for the first time after about six weeks sowing be harvested, but only carefully. In the first year, the young plant must not be pruned heavily, as it should first become stronger. Basically you can Harvest all year roundprovided the plant has not yet flowered. Preferably cut from the outside in, as new shoots will mainly grow inside. Leave the stalk about two to three inches above the ground.

Good and bad neighbors

Chives go well with dill and parsley as well as with oregano, tomatoes and strawberries.

Tips & Tricks

True is flowering chives Not only is it pretty to look at, it also attracts bees, butterflies and other nectar-seeking insects. However, the herb loses a lot of its aroma through flowering. This is why you can prevent chives bloom by pruning the plant regularly.


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