Acacia wood tiles

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However, it is also important to ensure that wooden tiles, which are ideal for a structure with water drainage, are made of wood that offers resistance to water. The wooden tile made of acacia wood can be ideally suited for this. Wood tiles are sometimes referred to as floor grates.

What is acacia wood?

It depends on what wood the acacia wood tile is actually made of. If wood tile or floor grate is referred to as acacia, it may be a species of acacia that originated in Australia Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam were imported and grown there for papermaking and logging will. It is often imported to Germany from Vietnam, where it is grown on plantations. The manufacturer's specifications speak of

a hard and durable type of wood that should be suitable for outdoors. The floor gratings are often not treated with wood preservatives, but only with wood oil. Then it is recommended to continue treating the floor covering regularly with wood oil in order to protect and preserve the wood. The wood is available from cultivation on plantations, which were created according to the FSC rules for sustainable timber management.

Wood tiles made of gold acacia, as Iroko or Burma teak are also known, are also sold. This wood has nothing to do with the real acacia, it is rather an African teak. This wood is also a good choice for outdoor use, almost all teak woods are hardwoods that can boast durability class 1 or 2. Here, however, you should make sure of the legal origin, see below.
If the wood used is simply referred to as acacia wood, but is identified as native wood, it is unlikely to be acacia wood either. The real acacia can be found in tropical to subtropical areas of the world, in our latitudes it would not survive because it is not winter hardy. So it will probably be black locust wood, because the black locust is also called false acacia or false acacia. Originally from North America, it was first planted in our parks and gardens and can now also be found wild and in forest plantations. This wood is very suitable for outdoor use:

Benefits of locust wood

The sturdy tree, which is also often used in sandy areas to contain soil erosion, provides extremely weatherproof wood. With durability class 1 - 2, it is granted a life expectancy of up to 25 years if it is installed without constant contact with the ground or water. If the wood tile covered with the designation acacia wood that you have selected is made of black locust (botanical name Robinia Pseudoacacia), that is

a good choice. It doesn't even need a coat of wood preservative, so the wooden tiles can often be kept oiled.

Acacia wood tiles - prices

Wooden tiles made of acacia wood of Vietnamese origin are available from around 25 euros per square meter. Wooden tiles made from false acacia or robinia are available from around 36 euros per square meter. The Iroko wooden tile, also known as gold acacia, is traded from around 70 euros per square meter, whereby the long transport route is reflected in the price.
Wooden tiles made of acacia wood are often offered with a practical click system, which allows very quick installation on a level surface.
As an alternative to acacia wood, some types of wood can be considered, which also have durability class 1 or 2, which is the most advantageous for outdoor use. These are the native oak and sweet chestnut and various imported woods, especially tropical woods. In the case of imported woods, however, there is always the risk of illegal import with all sorts of things negative effects for the forests of origin, which is why it is essential to ensure FSC certification should.