Watering, repotting, cutting and more

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How often should a moss fern be watered?

The right moisture balance is a central criterion in the cultivation of moss ferns: On the one hand, they like it constantly slightly damp, but waterlogging can easily rot the roots. That is why waterlogging should be avoided at all costs, but watered very often and very little at a time. Locations at the window (and above radiators) are generally rather poorly suited for moss ferns. They thrive better, however, if they are in a discarded aquarium, terrarium or as a plant in the so-called Bottle garden to be cultivated. Water moss ferns preferably with room temperature water and ensure that the humidity is as high as possible by placing water bowls nearby or by spraying the plant.

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What should be considered when repotting a moss fern?

The moss fern does not necessarily grow rapidly, but it should be repotted as soon as its previous plant pot is completely rooted. A nutrient-rich substrate with good water storage capacity should be tolerated. Peat parts in the substrate are usually well tolerated by the moss fern. First, however, fill a drainage layer made of gravel or similar materials in the lower area of ​​the new plant pot so that dangerous waterlogging at the roots can be avoided.

When and how can the moss fern be cut?

Due to the compact growth form, pruning is not really necessary. Dried parts of the plant can easily be cut out at any time. In addition, aerial roots often form on the plant, so that parts of it can be separated particularly easily as offshoots.

Which pests can attack a moss fern?

If moss ferns are cultivated in the greenhouse, it is not uncommon for increased snail feeding. This problem can be prevented by a location that is appropriately elevated or otherwise difficult to reach by snails.

Is the moss fern susceptible to disease?

The moss fern is not particularly susceptible to disease, but it reacts very sensitively to mistakes in care. The chosen location should therefore neither be too sunny nor too dark. Due to the high moisture requirement, mold can occasionally form on the surface of the Potting soil come in the pot.

Should a moss fern be fertilized regularly?

A weakly dosed fertilization can be done with the moss ferns with liquid fertilizer in the irrigation water. But do not overdo it with the fertilizer, otherwise moss ferns can easily die.

How should a moss fern be overwintered?

Moss ferns are not hardy, so they can only be used outdoors as a decorative plant in summer. The bright winter quarters should not be colder than around 16 degrees Celsius if possible.


The moss fern is often sold as so-called "lucky moss" and given away as a lucky charm on New Year's Eve. If he is not protected from the cold outdoors, any attempt at further culture in the house can be doomed to failure right from the start.

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