Geraniums with yellow leaves

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Indication of nutrient deficiency

If the leaves on plants - not just on geraniums - gradually turn yellow, this is often a sign of nutrient deficiency; especially if the leaf veins stay green themselves. This nutritional deficiency doesn't just happen when you don't eat enough fertilize, but also when using an unsuitable fertilizer. Every plant species has its own specific nutritional requirements, which not only relates to the frequency of fertilization, but also to the composition of the fertilizer. Yellow leaves on geraniums, for example, are often an indication of a deficiency in the trace element iron.

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  • Geraniums overwinter even without a cellar
  • What you can do about common geranium diseases
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What to do about yellow leaves

Fortunately, the ugly yellow leaves of your geraniums are now very easy to treat. As an effective first aid measure, the quick first aid with a special iron fertilizer is recommended, which is dissolved in the irrigation water and administered together with this as a solution. However, be careful when handling iron fertilizer, the agent is poisonous.

As is often the case, prevention is better than treatment, which is why you should feed your geraniums regularly and with the right fertilizer. The flowers are extremely heavy consumers and should be looked after at least once a week. Suitable fertilizers are mainly:

  • special geranium fertilizer
  • Flowering plant fertilizer
  • Blue grain
  • Coffee grounds

Be careful not to fertilize on dry substrate. Instead, you can apply the fertilizer together with the irrigation water.


Since a lack of nutrients weakens the plant, as a result, more pests settle - whiteflies in particular target geraniums that have been maltreated in this way. These should also be combated in good time.