How to properly store the tuber

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Better to buy small quantities instead of storing them for a long time

A fresh ginger tuber offers a concentrated load of flavor. That is why it is seldom used up whole, but bit by bit. Since fresh ginger is available in almost every supermarket these days, nobody has to buy this tuber in advance. Therefore, it is better to buy small amounts of ginger and always fresh if necessary.

also read

  • Freeze ginger - this is how the healthy tuber retains its power
  • Peel the ginger - this is a better way to get the peel
  • Fruit or vegetables - what ginger actually belongs to

What to do with unused ginger?

If a piece of ginger is not used up in a timely manner, it must survive the subsequent storage period as fresh and crisp as possible. There are two possible ways to store a fresh tuber of ginger:

  • in the refrigerator
  • in a cool, dry and dark place

Ginger and the damp refrigerator

Ginger finds an ideal temperature in the refrigerator, but also a lot of moisture. This can quickly lead to mold growth in ginger. That is why the ginger must be airtight when it is in the refrigerator.

  • Protect ginger from moisture
  • wrap in cling film or put in a plastic box
  • a paper bag is also suitable

Store ginger out of the refrigerator

If you can offer the ginger a cool, dry and dark place outside of the refrigerator, it can be stored in it. Wrap the ginger in a paper towel and then put it in a tightly fitting can. The tuber does not get room temperature well at all. It dries up noticeably after just a few days and becomes woody quickly.

Store cut pieces correctly

With regard to storage, everything that has been described above for the whole tuber applies to sliced ​​ginger: cool, dark and dry or protected from moisture.

It is possible that the cutting clamp dries up a little more and becomes fibrous. This end must be liberally removed before use.


If properly stored, a fresh ginger tuber can be kept for several weeks.

Alternative storage methods

Fresh ginger does not necessarily have to maintain its freshness during storage. If necessary, tuber residues can also be preserved for longer using the following methods:

  • Freezing: whole, in slices, pieces or grated
  • Pickling: as an Asian gari in vinegar or according to sweet recipes
  • Drying: in the oven or a dehydrator

Plant out ginger

How about you store a piece of ginger underground? To be more precise, plant out in a flower pot? The tuber also sprouts fresh green in this country and continues to multiply diligently in the pot. With good care and a little patience, you can be harvesting your own ginger in less than a year. And continuously, piece by piece, always enough to cover the current demand. It doesn't get any fresher, and the storage problem has also been solved.

Conclusion for quick readers

  • Consumption: A fresh ginger tuber has a strong taste and is therefore rarely consumed at once
  • Recommendation: Ginger is readily available on the market; prefer to buy smaller quantities more often; instead of long storage
  • Storage locations: Ginger can be stored in the refrigerator or in another cool, dry, dark place
  • Room temperature: It is too warm for ginger, it dries out quickly and becomes woody
  • In the refrigerator: Moist air promotes mold growth; Protect ginger with plastic wrap or put in a can
  • Other storage locations: Wrap ginger tuber in kitchen paper and place in a can
  • Cut pieces: are stored in the same way as whole tubers; cut away the dry and fibrous end later
  • Shelf life: If stored correctly, a ginger bulb can be kept for several weeks
  • Alternative storage: freeze whole, slices, pieces or grated; Pickling as a gari or sweet; dry
  • Planting: A ginger plant can also be grown in this country from a piece of ginger
  • Harvest: In less than a year, ginger can be harvested as needed; It doesn't get any fresher

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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