The 5 best home remedies

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Naturally accelerate root growth - this is how it works

Knowledgeable sowing, more skillful Cuttings and expert planting are just the prologue. A vital root system is essential for plants to grow healthily in beds and tubs. You can actively stimulate root growth with these home remedies:

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Root activator Home remedies As? Well suited
Willow water Make it yourself from young willow branches and rainwater as rooting water for cuttings, irrigation water
Valerian flowers Boil brew from valerian flowers as rooting water for cuttings and seedlings
Potato tuber Insert the cutting 2 cm deep into a thick bulb Rose cuttings
Aloe juice Stir 1 tablespoon of aloe gel in 1 glass of water Root cuttings in aloe water for 1 week
Dry yeast Dissolve 100 g of yeast in 1 liter of water Put cuttings in yeast water for 24 hours

Caution: Well-intentioned home remedy tips are circulating online that either kill young roots or have no activating effect, such as apple cider vinegar, honey, cinnamon or aspirin. Vinegar is useful for cleaning

mossier Terrace slabs, of course much too aggressive for delicate plant roots. Honey sticks together sprouting seedling roots instead of forcing growth. Cinnamon is great Home remedies for mosquitoes in Potting soil, but bypasses the root growth without a trace. A dissolved aspirin tablet has a preventive effect against mold and fungus, but does not contribute to faster root growth.


Did you know that ripe compost gives tired seedlings legs as roots grow? Spread a wafer-thin layer of sieved in the nursery pot on the bottom Compost soil the end. Fill in lean pricking soil as a substrate for a transplanted seedling. The young roots smell the rich nutrient buffet on the bottom of the pot and go to great lengths to benefit from it quickly with rapid growth.