Alternatives to the opium poppy

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Opium poppies are forbidden in the garden

Until the reunification it was Cultivation of opium poppies (Papaver somniferum) allowed in the former GDR, you can also in some European countries the plant with the beautiful, bright red flowers due to loose legislation in many gardens Find. In Germany, however, you face severe jail sentences or fines, because opium poppies are strictly forbidden here. The reason for this is the content of opiates, which is why opium poppies are also used as the basis for the manufacture of drugs such as opium or heroin. In exceptional cases, however, cultivation can be approved by the Federal Opium Agency upon application.

also read

  • Opium poppy - most varieties banned in Germany
  • Opium poppies - sowing only with permission
  • Opium poppies - is harvest legal in Germany?

Beautiful ornamental poppies as an alternative

However, in place of the forbidden opium poppy, you can choose some no less beautiful ornamental poppies plant in the garden. The Turkish poppy (Papaver orientale) and the

Corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas), whereby the former can also have white, salmon-colored or pink-colored flowers - depending on the variety. The popular Icelandic poppy (Papaver nudicaule), which usually flowers white, light yellow, orange-yellow or red, is also very pretty. The gold poppy, also known as the Californian poppy (Eschscholzia californica), delights with bright orange flowers. However, unlike other types of poppy, it is poisonous.


In contrast to the plant, the purchase and consumption of the, by the way very vitamin and mineral-rich and therefore healthy, Seeds allowed. They are sold under the name blue poppy or back poppy in supermarkets, discounters or pharmacies and are mainly used for baking and cooking.