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Sweet potatoes root incredibly quickly

The sweet potato is a quick rooter. With the right location conditions, it forms the first new shoots after a few days, so that it can soon be planted in the ground.

also read

  • Tips for overwintering a sweet potato plant
  • Tips and tricks for peeling a sweet potato
  • Tips for caring for the sweet potato

The right time

If you want to propagate your sweet potato, spring and summer are ideal. Then the plant has shoots that are long enough to take offshoots.

Different approaches

There are several methods to choose from for propagating a sweet potato.

Propagate sweet potatoes with tuberous shoots

  1. cut off both ends of a tuber
  2. allow the interfaces to air dry
  3. fill a pot with soil and place the cut tuber on it
  4. place the pot in a warm, bright place at 20 ° C
  5. if the new shoots are 10-15 cm long, repot them into individual containers
  6. the shoots will soon form roots in the new pot

Propagate sweet potatoes with unrooted cuttings

  1. cut off shoots at least 10 cm long from the mother plant
  2. put these in the ground
  3. Here too, roots form after a short time

Propagate sweet potatoes with rooted cuttings

  1. take another offshoot from the mother plant
  2. put them in a pot filled with soil
  3. cover the pot with foil and store it at 20 ° C (for example in a greenhouse)

What else is important?

Even if your sweet potato has already developed roots. you may not put them outside until mid-May. Batatas are very sensitive to frost and must also have reached a length of around 10-15 cm in order to continue to develop well.