How to speed up the process

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How a gentle bath lifts the mood for germination

As experience shows, tomato seeds speak in advance of the sowing a mild bath is remarkably positive. The following variants have turned out to be very promising:

  • Soak in lukewarm water overnight
  • Place in hand-warm chamomile tea for 6-8 hours
  • Put on the garlic stock and soak in it for 2-3 hours
  • Pickling in 2 percent valerian flower extract for 15 minutes, strengthens the resistance to Mould

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The desired temperature of the water or the broth can easily be maintained in a thermos. Garlic stock is easy to make yourself. Two cloves of garlic are pureed, dissolved in 10 liters of water overnight and sieved. What is not needed to prepare the seeds can later be used as a flavor enhancer Irrigation water in the bed and pot. Valerian flower extract is available from specialist retailers.

So germination proceeds quickly

The soaked seeds are sown in seed soil without delay. as Light germs the seeds may not be covered more than 0.5 centimeters with substrate or sand. A distance of 3 centimeters between the tomato seeds is considered optimal. Place the Growing pots(€ 16.68 at Amazon *) at the partially shaded Window seat. The ideal germination temperature fluctuates between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.

A warm and humid microclimate noticeably promotes the germination of the seeds. You can create these tropical conditions in a heated indoor greenhouse. Alternatively, you can stretch cling film over the pots. In both cases, regular ventilation must be ensured to prevent mold from forming.

Under the conditions described, you are allowed to use a Germination time assume 10 to 14 days. During this time, make sure that the seeds do not dry out or are drowned. Pouring from below has proven to be advantageous. To do this, place the seed pots a few centimeters in water. Thanks to the capillary forces, the water is sucked up to the surface without the seeds being washed away.

Tips & Tricks

The resilience of young tomatoes to Diseases is strengthened with the help of horsetail broth. While the seedlings flourish in the house, the bed in the field or in a greenhouse is repeatedly showered with the plant stock.