Your role as a shallow root in the garden

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Birch as a shallow root - that means the root type

Those who like to garden will mainly deal with three types of roots, namely:

  • Deep roots
  • Heart root
  • Shallow root

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Birch trees are found in more than 40 species, but all of them are shallow-rooted. These take up their nutrients mainly through the surface water seeping into the soil. The roots form a ring around the birch. That is why they compete vigorously with all of the nearby plants, which also take care of themselves via a shallow root system.

Effects on garden planning

If you have a Birch in the garden plant, you should definitely pay attention to their root type. Because this knowledge shows what the location must be like. The most important thing is that you should allow sufficient space for existing crops. Alternatively, there is the option of planting birch trees exclusively in an environment of deep rooters. These two types can thrive in peaceful coexistence without competition.

Danger of falling with shallow roots

Unlike deep-rooted birch trees, being shallow-rooted, birches are particularly at risk from wind and storms. It is therefore important to secure young specimens in growth with a stake if necessary. Overall, the environment should be prepared for the risk of falling, which is best achieved with the help of well thought-out planning before you start the Birch plants. If possible, place your new birch away from the parking lot, playground, power lines and areas where people or objects could be harmed if the tree fell.

But don't worry: the soil conditions would have to be relatively poor so that the roots cannot find a hold. Does the birch inhabit a suitable one Location, it is also possible for you as a shallow rooter to develop a good root system.

You can also prevent the dreaded windthrow damage of shallow roots by not planting the trees too closely. It is easy to see that the better the tree can spread, the more stability there is.

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