Design the flowerbed with gravel

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Plan and prepare

First of all, it is important to find a suitable location and select the right plants. The optimal place for a gravel bed should be sunny, as especially drought-tolerant perennials feel comfortable here - they in turn a lot of sun to need. The soil should have a high proportion of clay, but at the same time be permeable and loose. If this is not the case, add a layer of drainage before planting and improve the excavation with plenty of sand and compost. About it you embarrassed Weed control,(€ 13.47 at Amazon *) which prevents weeds from growing. Don't forget to cut out planting holes for the planned perennial plantings! First lay the gravel layer on this fleece.

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Which perennials and plants belong in the gravel bed?

You can combine half and dwarf shrubs as well as ornamental grasses with tall and low perennials according to your taste. Look particularly distinctive in the gravel bed

Mediterranean plants like lavender, but also roses, peonies, Cloves, Noble diamonds or Ornamental onion. In principle, whatever pleases is allowed - the plants should only match the location. If you also pay attention to different flowering times, you will be delighted many months long in the bright colors.

Plant and care

Once created, a gravel bed is very little work. You should only water it occasionally and according to the water and nutrient needs of the plants fertilize. Watering also has the pleasant side effect of removing any dirt that may have stuck to the stones. In addition, the gravel should be regrouped regularly, with the opportunity to loosen the soil underneath for better ventilation. Also, since gravel weathers, you should replace it about every three to five years.


Instead of gravel, you can also use other rock material and mulch material such as bark mulch. These also suppress the growth of weeds.