This is the best way to get rid of him

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Legislators leave little room for maneuver in the fight against moles

Viewed objectively, the mole is a pseudo-pest. In truth, the furry mammal eats tons of real pests, such as meadow snails, snails, weevils, as well as larvae and insect eggs of all kinds. At the same time, a mole loosens the soil finely crumbly during its burial activity, from which ornamental and useful plants benefit.

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  • Mole or vole in the garden? - How to find out the difference
  • Driving away moles in the garden - what is allowed?
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Since 1988, the busy insect eater has been subject to the strict protection of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, as it was threatened with extinction due to merciless persecution. Only gentle expulsion is permitted if, for example, the plague of moles leads to threatening sagging in the Garden soil comes. Catching, hunting or even killing moles is punishable by heavy fines of up to 50,000 euros.

Getting rid of smells - that stinks of the fine mole nose

The eyesight of a mole is very limited. In return, the insect eater has a keen sense of smell to sniff its prey deep in the earth. The scare-off strategy exploits this fact to combat a mole plague in a non-toxic and legally compliant manner. These funds have proven themselves in practice:

  • Premium means: drizzle butyric acid on old cloths and stick in active corridors
  • Soak a rag in turpentine, vinegar essence, or kerosene to clog the outlets
  • Produce liquid manure from thuja and spruce branches and pour it into the cave system

If you want to get rid of a mole plague with as little effort as possible, Neudorff offers a ready-made remedy with vole gas. This gas is based on natural lavadin oil, which settles on the tunnels and is one for voles, Water voles and moles give off unpleasant odor. The cartridge is inserted into a tunnel opening and ignited.

Fighting with noise - this is how acoustic expulsion succeeds

Moles only appear to have no ears. In fact, the cute balls of fur are only missing auricles, because they hear excellent. On their patrols underground, they can hear even the slightest noises of their potential prey. This is where another method comes in to fight the pests in harmony with nature and the law. This riot sends the entire mole population in the garden into exile:

  • Put metal bars in the corridors and hit them with a hammer every time you pass by
  • Let empty food cans dangle from a T-shaped metal rod
  • Separate the bottoms of glass bottles, put them upside down in aisles to create loud whistling winds

If you want to get rid of a mole plague with noise, we recommend this method for lonely gardens in order to avoid trouble with annoyed neighbors. As has been shown in field tests, ultrasound devices have little or no effect on mole control.

Live trap requires a special permit

An application for the use of a live trap can be made where a mole plague is demonstrably associated with a high risk of injury as a result of subsidence. If the responsible nature conservation authority follows your arguments, you will receive a special permit for this form of mole control. You can purchase suitable traps from specialist retailers or, with a little manual skill, build them yourself. How to use the remedy correctly:

  • Exposing an active tunnel by removing a molehill
  • Guide the flexible connection hose of the trap into the passage
  • Load the trap with nesting material and food
  • Provide wooden lid and side parts with air holes

The trap is checked at least twice a day. The food it contains is nowhere near enough to keep a captured mole from starving. A trapped animal is soon placed in a bucket that is softly padded with leaves. The mole is released into the wild in a nearby deciduous or mixed forest.

Successful mole control requires active tunnels

In contrast to Voles, moles use most of the corridors in their tunnel system only once or very rarely. In order for mole control with smells or noise to be successful, the means described should be used on an active tunnel. How to determine if a corridor is used:

  • Trample one or more mounds of earth
  • The best time is the late afternoon
  • Raising the ground again the next day signals an active tunnel

The meaningfulness of the experiment is only retained for a short time. Given their innumerable predators, moles only have a short life expectancy. The person who caused yesterday's mound of earth may have fallen victim to a cat, dog, owl or fox today.


Clever home gardeners prevent a mole plague if they have one Create a new garden. So that beds and lawns are not spoiled by molehills, a knot-proof molehill is laid in good time. The stable material has proven itself well for the prophylactic mole control, as it reliably withstands the lifting attempts of the furry powerhouses.