Can you eat tomatoes despite the end rot?

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Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables and should not be missing in any hobby garden. Whether you prefer small cocktail tomatoes, large beefsteak tomatoes, traditional red or green, yellow or black varieties, the tomato harvest in late summer is eagerly awaited. If there are brown spots on the fruit, it is very likely that it is flower end rot. Can you still eat the tomatoes then?

Symptoms of flower end rot

Blossom end rot manifests itself in the tomato plants through the following symptoms:
  • initially watery, then brown discoloration at the point of the flower base
  • Spots enlarge
  • Malformations at the shoot tips
  • The leaves die off
  • brown, gray or black spots on fruits and young leaves
  • often only individual tomatoes of the otherwise healthy-looking plant are affected

The illness

Blossom end rot is not an infestation with pests or fungi, but a metabolic disease. In addition to tomatoes, this can also attack cucumbers, peppers and zucchini. The causes of tomato end rot are complex.

The reasons

The most common cause of flower end rot is an insufficient supply of calcium. The calcium deficiency causes individual cell walls to collapse and cells to die. Calcium is absorbed through the water. The fruits receive less calcium than the stems and other parts of the plant. For this reason, the flower end rot shows itself first on the fruits.
Brown rot tomato flower end rot
The deficiency arises, for example, when the plant cannot absorb enough calcium. There can be various reasons for this. Dry soils prevent absorption. Soils rich in potassium and magnesium are a common cause. These arise from over-fertilization. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers cause vigorous plant growth. Great care should be taken when using it, as the growth of the plant reduces its ability to absorb calcium.
Tip: Don't throw away eggshells carelessly anymore. Tomatoes need calcium and the eggshells contain a lot of it. Crushed eggshells are a free fertilizer and soil conditioner in your garden.

Protection against blossom end rot

Anyone who knows the requirements of tomato plants can protect them well against blossom end rot.

1. Water your plants regularly. Tomatoes suffer from long drought.

2. Avoid excessive watering.

3. Provide loose, well-drained soil.

4. Fertilize carefully and follow the dosage instructions. An oversupply of magnesium and potassium damages the plant.

5. Check the pH of the soil. The optimal pH value is 6.5.

6. Regulate the pH value of acidic soils by adding additional lime.

Tip: Acid garden soils can be improved by digging under rock flour.

Are infected tomatoes edible?

Tomato blossomAlthough the flower end rot usually only shows itself on individual fruits, while others remain intact, the question of edibility arises. The spots are watery at first, then they get bigger and the tissue sinks. This change does not look very appetizing and many gardeners will dispose of the tomatoes, which they have been looking forward to for a long time, disappointed. The affected areas are getting harder and dry. In most cases, the pulp remains intact. You can eat the tomatoes affected by the flower end rot. Their enjoyment is harmless and there is usually no loss of taste. Plants diseased with blossom end rot produce partly damaged and also intact fruits. You can enjoy them without hesitation. Generously cut away the dark areas of the affected fruits. It is better to dispose of severely infected fruit completely.
Tip: If tomatoes in your garden get sick with flower end rot, a professional soil check is worthwhile. Send a soil sample to a testing laboratory. A few days later you will receive a comprehensive evaluation of the soil condition with tips on how to improve it. The test costs around 20 EUR.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse

Not only do tomatoes in the field suffer from blossom end rot, the plants in the greenhouse are also affected under unfavorable conditions. In the greenhouse, poor soil quality, lack of nutrient supply and irregular irrigation are also the main causes of flower end rot. In addition, however, there is air circulation. High humidity and a lack of ventilation lead to the disease.
Tip: Mix a casting solution of one liter of water and 30 grams of calcium nitrate. Water the tomato plant with it when you notice the first signs of illness.

Are there resistant varieties?

Unfortunately, there are no tomato varieties that are protected from flower end rot. After all, it is a nutritional deficiency, not a fungal or viral disease. What is certain, however, is that fast-growing varieties, like most beefsteak tomatoes, are more frequently affected.