Keep oleanders on the balcony

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Always put oleanders alone in a tub

In its natural location, the oleander grows up to five meters high and grows very broadly bushy. Of course, the shrub does not reach these dimensions on the balcony at home, there it remains significantly below and can also be kept in shape quite easily by pruning. Nevertheless, the oleander alone belongs in as large a planter as possibleso that it really comes into its own. Oleander needs space and does not tolerate planting, which is why the very vigorous plant does not belong in a balcony box.

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  • Oleander in the garden prefers a sunny location
  • Heather - perfect balcony plants in autumn and winter
  • Cut back oleanders before overwintering

Proper care of the oleander

First of all: Oleander loves the sun and the warmth. Therefore, you should only consider planting oleander if your balcony is both sunny and sheltered - it is ideal if it faces south. In addition, the location should not be drafty - oleanders do not tolerate drafts very well. Also keep in mind that oleander

needs a lot of water and should be poured vigorously at least once or twice a day, especially in the hot summer months. The regular one is also extremely important for heavy consumers Supply of nutrients, fertilize Feed the oleander with a fertilizer for flowering plants once or twice a week during the growing season. But play it safe with one Slow release fertilizerwhich only needs to be administered once at the beginning of the growing season.

Hibernate oleanders on the balcony

Since oleander is not hardy, you should overwinter the shrub in a cool (around five degrees Celsius are ideal) and bright room during the cold season. If you do not have such an option, you can also store it in a nursery. If you live in a region with rather mild winters, there is also one Wintering on the balcony possible - provided you wrap the shrub well. But be careful: Oleander can only tolerate minus five degrees Celsius and only for a short time.


In the spring you can use the shrub for around Cut back by half.