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When and with what should tree peonies be fertilized

At the earliest from the 2nd The tree peonies should be supplied with fertilizer. To the Fertilize Organic fertilizers such as rotted compost are preferred. It is important that the fertilizer does not contain too much nitrogen.

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For the first time in the year, tree peonies are fertilized in the spring just before they sprout. This is the case around the middle / end of February. For the second time, they are fertilized right after flowering. Just carefully rake the fertilizer into the soil.

Should you water tree peonies regularly?

A humid environment is what tree peonies need. You should therefore urgently protect them from drought. They can also be quickly damaged by stagnant moisture. Here are a few tips:

  • Apply a layer of bark mulch over the root area
  • in light soils: water more often in summer.
  • Tap water can be used (plants tolerate lime)
  • do not pour on the leaves or flowers, otherwise gray mold threatens

What diseases are tree peonies susceptible to?

Many tree peonies suffer from a disease. It's the gray mold. You can recognize it by dry buds, withered shoots and rotting stems. The fungus usually attacks the plant in spring when it is damp. Affected areas should be cut off and discarded.

Do you have to cut these plants and if so, how?

It is not imperative to have the tree peonies too cut:

  • Missing pruning: sparser flowering in the following year
  • It is best to avoid seed formation - cut away old flowers
  • remove old parts of the plant in spring or early autumn
  • Cut off just above a bud
  • Rejuvenation: cut back to 30 to 40 cm

Do tree peonies need winter protection?

These plants are frost hardy. But in severe frost, they should be protected in the form of sticks or straw. Young plants should also be protected in winter. In addition, it is advisable to tie the branches together to prevent them from breaking through a blanket of snow.


You can lime the earth with eggshell powder (homemade).