The prettiest ideas to imitate

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Stylish ideas for the trendy garden

You can perfect your garden with smart decorations, regardless of whether you have it create new or just want to spice it up. If you walk through flea markets or grandmother's attic with open eyes, the ideas will fly to you. The following selection may serve your inspiration to beautify the garden tastefully and individually:

  • Convert halved wine barrel into a mini pond
  • Create unorthodox flower pots from halved clay pots, old shoes or disused chairs
  • painting old car tires with Potting soil fill and plant
  • Turn great-grandmother's washtub into a bucket

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  • Design the front yard beautifully - a collection of creative ideas
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Other vintage-style decorating ideas are popular for the creative garden. Let your imagination run wild to integrate old-fashioned accessories from bygone eras into the design of beds, balconies and terraces. As long as the unconventional plant pots have at least one opening in the bottom as a water drain, there are no limits to your creativity.

Fireplace as the icing on the cake

When a crackling fire in the garden invites you to linger on warm summer evenings, put a flaming crown on the beautification project. Special fire baskets are suitable for the small garden. If a larger area is available, create a safe one with a little manual skill Fireplace on for romantic campfires.

Hedgehog house - decorative and useful at the same time

With a self-built hedgehog house, you attack the endangered Beneficial organism helpful under the arms and beautify your garden at the same time. The cute ones are happy about a stable and cat-safe sleeping place made of bricks Spiked bearer as well as a wine box, converted into winter quarters.

Authentic beautifying the cottage garden - tips & tricks

In modern interpretations of the medieval Cottage garden the wish for the good old days is expressed. Vegetables, flowers and berry bushes thrive here side by side. You can add the finishing touches to a rural garden with these decorative components:

  • homemade scarecrows
  • old wheelbarrow or plant flowers in the zinc tub
  • Plant the wicker baskets in motley colors and place them in the middle of the beds
  • Fill rustic clay pots with wood wool and turn them upside down on the fence posts

Have you decided on a stylish picket fence or a hunter fence? Then embellish the wooden construction with blossom-rich fence sugars. From romantic Hollyhocks (Alcea) over majestic clematis to long-blooming ones Sun bride (Helenium) extends the broad spectrum of suitable ornamental plants.


If you have a Japanese garden stone lanterns should not be missing. With a height of 30 to 75 cm, the specialist trade has models in traditional and modern styles to choose from. If you combine the typical stone stele as a path boundary, the stone duo underlines the Asian flair of the stylish garden.