Why & how best to do it

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Three arguments for a change of location

Although rhubarb is designed for a lifespan of ten to fifteen years, the heavy eater leaches out the bed soil prematurely. Experienced hobby gardeners therefore move the plant after an average of seven years. This measure has 3 advantages:

  • the soil recovers under a suitable crop rotation
  • implementing also serves to increase
  • The rhubarb plant is rejuvenated by transplanting it

also read

  • Proper rhubarb care - little effort, rich harvest
  • Dividing and propagating rhubarb made easy
  • Rhubarb season - rich harvest for little effort

As a rule, rhubarb has taken on a considerable volume at this stage. Transplant and multiply therefore goes hand in hand for most hobby gardeners.

Choosing the new location wisely

Moving rhubarb requires a certain amount of foresight. After all, the plant will spend a number of years there and should continue to be rich harvest bring in. The following site conditions should at least be met:

  • sunny, warm, sheltered location
  • very nutrient-rich, humus soil
  • fresh, moist and well drained
  • slightly acidic pH between 5 and 6

In no case should you put rhubarb where it was in the previous five years. Here the clod has not yet recovered so early. This fact would undoubtedly be at the expense of health, vitality and crop yield.

How to turn rhubarb correctly - explained step by step

The best time to transplant rhubarb is in early fall. The soil is still warm enough for the plant to grow well before winter. This is how you do it:

  • Dig up rhubarb widely and with the spade Divide into 1 kg pieces
  • Weeding the bed at the new location and a good portion compost incorporate
  • Dig planting holes with twice the volume of the root ball
  • the planting distance is at least 100 cm

Before you put the rejuvenated rhubarb plants in the ground, lay a drainage made of gravel at the bottom of the pit, Grit(€ 49.99 at Amazon *) or pottery shards. Subsequent to planting the earth is trodden down and abundantly watered. A thick layer of mulch made of compost follows.

Rhubarb needs to acclimate after transplanting

For rhubarb, transplanting means pure stress. You should therefore give the plant some time to get used to it.

A first harvest is only advisable in the second year after transplanting. Prudent hobby gardeners also limit this season to the period from April to May. From the following year onwards, Rhubarb will thank you for this care with an abundant harvest of delicious sticks.

Tips & Tricks

You can easily determine the pH value in your garden yourself. Test sets are for sale in every well-stocked hardware store or garden center. They work by means of a dye reaction and do not require any prior knowledge of chemistry.


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