How toxic are they?

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Be careful when sowing monkshood in the garden

Before the Sowing the monkshood should you weigh upwhether from the plant in your garden poses a danger to playing children. Since the Monkshood seeds is about dark germs, goes to one sowing directly in the bed at least there is no imminent danger for free-roaming pets in the garden. However, just touching the plant can lead to numbness, even on uninjured skin. Possible symptoms of poisoning (from contained aconitine and other alkaloids and alkamines) when consuming are:

  • severe nausea
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • severe convulsions
  • Paralysis
  • Circulatory paralysis resulting in death (if fully conscious)

also read

  • Blauer Eisenhut: Which location does it like to be in?
  • Blue monkshood - rule out confusion
  • The monkshood as an ornamental plant: interesting facts about the seeds

Keep the seeds in a safe place

To avoid accidents to children or pets with the seeds of the monkshood, you should buy seeds that you have harvested yourself up to sowing keep particularly securely closed and clearly marked. It is also a good idea to place the plants directly after the

blossomcut backso that seed pods cannot arise in the first place.


You should also exercise caution when dividing and transplanting monkshood for rejuvenation and reproduction. Even small amounts of the root can be extremely toxic effect unfold when ingested by pets such as dogs or rabbits. Therefore, the roots should quickly come back into the ground when transplanting and never lie around unattended.