Organic fertilizer »Field of application, production and more

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the essentials in brief

  • Organic fertilizer consists of animal or vegetable residues. The nutrient composition varies depending on the origin of the biodegradable substances.
  • Compared to mineral fertilizers, they work more slowly. Organic NPK fertilizers contain both natural and synthetic substances.
  • Organic fertilizers are worked into the soil and are only suitable for lawns in liquid form. When buying, aspects such as quality, intended use and origin should be considered.
  • Since the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, natural fertilizers are a better choice. They can easily be made by yourself.

What is organic fertilizer?

If a fertilizer is of organic origin, then dead organisms and their excretions provide the fertilizing Components. They are made from waste from agriculture or private horticulture. The nutrients are not in pure form, but are mostly bound to carbon-containing compounds.

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These are organic fertilizers:

  • Liquid manure, liquid manure or manure
  • Sewage sludge
  • Green manure
  • Compost and straw

Nutrient content of organic fertilizers


Organic fertilizers are rich in essential nutrients and life

Organic fertilizers contain the main nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK for short) and a number of other trace elements, proteins and vitamins. Nitrogen is contained in different forms. The total nitrogen content includes the organically bound nitrogen, which has to be decomposed by soil organisms, as well as immediately available nitrogen compounds such as ammonium nitrogen. These compounds are available to plants in the first year. The nutrient contents vary depending on the substrate.

Nitrogen content effective nitrogen content in the first year Phosphorus content Potassium content
Compost from leaves and green cuttings 6 kg / t less than 1 kg / t 2 kg / t 4 kg / t
Horse manure 4 kg / t 2 kg / t 3 kg / t 11 kg / t
Horn shavings 140 kg / t 1 kg / t 8 kg / t 1 kg / t
Biowaste 9 kg / t less than 1 kg / t 5 kg / t 8 kg / t
Bark mulch 3 kg / t insignificant less than 1 kg / t 1 kg / t

How does organic fertilizer work?

The composition of the material determines how quickly the organic fertilizer works. The C / N quotient is the ratio between carbon and nitrogen and provides an orientation for the speed of action. The more organically bound nitrogen there is, the slower the fertilizer works. This has to be mineralized in the soil, which first releases ammonium compounds and finally nitrate.

Organic fertilizer: steps of decomposition from nitrogen to nitrate

Nitrate can be absorbed by the plants. Conversely, this means that the more nitrate and ammonium nitrogen it contains, the faster the fertilizer works. Liquid manure is an example of a particularly fast-acting organic fertilizer. It resembles a dissolved mineral fertilizer.

Ammonium nitrogen content in:

  • slurry: about 50 percent
  • Manure: ten to 20 percent
  • compost: around five percent


Mineralization and humification

When microorganisms utilize organic material, various processes take place. The decomposition of organic matter in the soil is known as humification. The plant and animal remains are not broken down, but broken down and transformed by soil organisms. This creates humic substances, which are the basis of humus represent. These organic fragments are broken down and finally broken down by enzymes from various microorganisms. This creates mineral end products that can be used by the plants. This process is known as mineralization.

Influencing factors

The implementation of organic fertilizers depends on the weather, because the active soil organisms are strongly influenced by their environment. A humid environment with warm temperatures and a good supply of oxygen promotes the implementation of the material. Cold, moisture and a lack of oxygen inhibit the activity of the bottom fauna.

Organic NPK fertilizer

Organic fertilizers can also be processed industrially so that they contain natural substances and synthetic nutrients. They are less concentrated than mineral NPK fertilizers and can be applied in liquid form or as granules. With regular use, the soil is improved, because organic commercial fertilizers ensure a build-up of the humus layer. On the one hand, they contain nutrient salts that work immediately, as well as components that release nutrients over a longer period of time.

This is what organic commercial fertilizers contain:

  • animal origin: Flours made from parts of animal skeletons such as meat bones and horn; Hair meal pellets, feather meal
  • vegetable origin: Water and concentrates from potato plants, residues from maize processing, vinasse, malt sprouts
  • other organic NPK fertilizers: Biosol, legume fertilizers, hydrolysates


Organic fertilizers have to be easily worked into the upper layer of the earth so that they can develop their full effect. Microorganisms attack the components from all sides and decompose them so that the nutrients are made available to the plants. In the case of a superficial distribution, it is mainly the nitrogen content that is split up. The material should also not be worked too deeply, since putrefaction processes occur in the absence of air.

Organic fertilizer for lawns


Organic fertilizer is also a good choice for the lawn

The nutrient supply via organic fertilizers can not only be used for herbs in the bed. They also provide the lawn with essential substances for it to thrive. However, solid substrate is not suitable for fertilizing an existing lawn. In this case, liquid alternatives are necessary because compost can no longer be worked into the soil. Organic commercial fertilizers in liquid form are still better than mineral fertilizers.

organic lawn fertilizer mineral lawn fertilizers
Humus layer promote the build-up of humus Humus degradation with excessive use
Soil activity Soil organisms are promoted reduce the diversity of the soil fauna
Working time Long-term effect quick and direct effect
use Compost only in front of the lawn; organic liquid fertilizer on vegetated areas three times a year on overgrown areas
miscellaneous often polluted by heavy metals or pesticide residues Enriched with weed-inhibiting additives

Buy organic fertilizer - what to look for?

Laboratory tests have found heavy metals, pollutants and pesticides in organic fertilizers from various price ranges. A random sample from the magazine “Öko-Test” (read in the July 2017 edition) indicates that even most organic products are not perfect. If you want to buy organic fertilizers, you should know exactly where it comes from.

Even organic fertilizers are not perfect. They can contain pollutants and heavy metals.

Soil fertilizer or plant fertilizer?

Fertilizers suitable for soils mainly contain stable carbon compounds that are broken down over a long period of time. They increase soil fertility slowly and sustainably because they act as Slow release fertilizer. Mineral fertilizers are completely eliminated as soil fertilizers, as they develop their effect for a short time and the nutrients are washed out. The situation is different in the group of plant fertilizers. Organic NPK fertilizers provide directly available nutrients and offer long-term effective substances. In contrast to mineral products, they increase the crumb structure.

Decision-making tips:

  • Granules and pellets can be distributed better and do not generate dust
  • Substrates from composting plants are inexpensive and have an optimal nutrient composition
  • Group plants with similar needs and choose a suitable fertilizer accordingly

Vegetable or animal?


Manure usually smells very strong

Organic fertilizers are waste products and are therefore the optimal choice for sustainability. If the degradable residues come from vegetable raw materials, they often provide better nutrient mixtures than animal products. The production of vegetable raw materials takes place with a small amount of land and requires less water. In the case of fertilizers made from animal residues, it is often not clear whether the raw materials come from organic or conventional animal husbandry. The odor nuisance is greater with ground animal remains than with purely vegetable products.


Coffee grounds are a true supplier of nitrogen and free from animal products.

Organic fertilizer - advantages and disadvantages

Natural fertilizers based on plant or animal residues improve the structure of the soil and promote humus formation. Due to their slower action time, the nutrients from organic fertilizers are washed out less quickly than mineral alternatives. They provide the plants with nutrients over a long period of time without over-fertilizing the soil. Plants receive sufficient nutrients during their main growth phase, because during this time the soil organisms are more active than in the cold months.



  • It is difficult to calculate fertilizer requirements in advance
  • not suitable for correcting an acute nutrient deficiency
  • Animal products often only contain one or two main nutrients

From an ecological point of view

In many soils there is already an excess of nitrogen, which is a heavy burden on sensitive habitats. This imbalance means that certain plant species are pushed back and only those that predominantly need nitrogen to grow dominate. Fertilizing with organic substances from your own garden does not introduce any new nitrogen into the ecosystem. A balanced cycle is created in which nutrients are returned.

Make organic fertilizer yourself


Plant manure is a great fertilizer

Compost is considered an all-rounder among natural fertilizers. The substrate provides the plants with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Low-eating plants thrive if they are given some compost every now and then. But heavy consumers also grow better with regular compost.


Herbs with large and soft leaves enjoy a long-term fertilizer. Pellets made from sheep's wool are ideal for potted plants.

Herbal manure

Collect wild herbs such as nettles, tomatoes, yarrow and comfrey and roughly chop the plant parts. Put the material in a bucket and fill it with water until all parts of the plant are covered. Cover the vessel with a cloth and stir the mixture every two to three days.

The liquid manure is ready after about two weeks. No more bubbles should rise when stirring, because gas bubbles indicate continued activity of microorganisms. During the fermentation process, various nutrients are released from the parts of the plant. Plant manure is rich in silica and trace elements.

  • Rock flour(€ 12.33 at Amazon *) or Algae lime suppress unpleasant odors
  • Herbal manure are suitable for heavy eaters such as tomatoes and potatoes
  • Use in a five to tenfold dilution with rainwater

Green manure

If beds are fallow and will not be used again until the coming season, you can use them for a fertility-enhancing catch crop. Pay attention to relationships, because species from the same families should not grow one after the other on one bed. Shortly before the seeds are formed, the beds are mowed, leaving the plant material on the surface. the Green manure ensures loosening of the soil. At the same time, weeds are suppressed and the earth is protected from erosion and leaching.

Suitable seeds


Mustard is ideal for green manuring

Sow yellow mustard in areas that will not be planted with cabbage or cruciferous vegetables afterwards. The rapidly growing yellow mustard is ideal as a previous crop for potatoes. The blue blooming Phacelia is not closely related to any type of vegetable and can therefore be sown universally. Legumes like clover, lupine, Vetch or winter peas are ideal sources of nitrogen.

frequently asked Questions

Which fertilizer is suitable for which plant?

A nitrogenous fertilizer is the typical green manure. It is suitable for all plants that should develop healthy foliage. Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) and coffee grounds are ideal sources of nitrogen for lawns, cabbage and lettuce or house plants. In contrast, a phosphorus-based fertilizer is ideal for flowering plants, because this nutrient promotes the development of flowers and fruit. Supply bulbs, house violets and fruit trees with manure from chickens and poultry.

Why are organic fertilizers better for crops?

Potatoes, zucchini and cabbage are among the heavy eaters that need a lot of nutrients during the entire growth phase. Chemical products work immediately, so that the plants are often over-fertilized. The excess nutrients are quickly washed out by rain, creating a nutrient deficiency. Organic fertilizers supply the plants evenly over a long period of time.

What are the signs of incorrect use of mineral fertilizers?

When using mineral fertilizers, you can often see the effects of incorrect use. The nutrients are in the form of water-soluble salts. The salt removes water from the plant cells, which is why the plants often let the leaves hang after fertilizing. Extensive watering is necessary to reduce the salt content in the substrate.

Can organic fertilizers be used incorrectly?

Natural fertilizers should also be applied with caution, as incorrect nutrients can quickly lead to deficiency symptoms or unbalanced plant growth. Too high a phosphate content means that other nutrients can no longer be absorbed. An oversupply of nitrogen causes strong leaf development, which stagnates flower formation.

Is the pH in the soil important for organic fertilizers?

Nutrient-poor sandy soils require more nutrients than humus-rich substrates. But even after an increased amount of fertilizer, plant growth can stagnate. If that is the case, then you should check the pH of the soil. Many nutrients can no longer be absorbed by the plants if the pH is too high. In this case, the soils should be treated with acidic substrates before fertilizing. If the pH value is in the acidic range, the plants can hardly absorb nitrogen. Adding lime improves the soil.