Location, planting time, tips and tricks

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How do you choose the right plants?

There is now quite a selection of column fruit available in specialist shops. But it is important to know that not all of these plants retain their columnar shape on their own. Often are also with these trees Cutting measures indispensable, especially if the plants have a certain amount height should not exceed. Also, pay attention to whether the plants are, for example, according to the description, resistant to certain diseases.

also read

  • Plant columnar fruit at the right time of year
  • The yield from growing columnar fruit
  • The correct planting distance for columnar fruit

Which locations are suitable for column fruit?

Basically, the columnar variants of apple or pear trees also need as sunny as possible for healthy growth Location. If this is not available, im Penumbra or shadow after all, raspberries, blackberries or, according to their name, morello cherries flourish. Column fruit trees can be very windy in the pot getting dangerous. Sometimes, however, these can easily be stabilized with an appropriately large planter and stones inserted in it.

What should be considered when planting and transplanting column fruit?

When planting and transplanting column fruit, you should always make sure that the roots of the plants are not damaged and that they do not dry out. The planting hole in the garden should always be dug a little larger than necessary and then filled with loose substrate. At this point you can too Slow release fertilizer like compost and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) be mixed in. After planting or repotting, the soil must be gently pressed down and the air around the roots flushed out by vigorous watering.

How can column fruit be propagated?

Since column fruit, like other types of fruit, has to be grafted onto a specific “base”, propagation is not as easy as with many other garden plants. However, if you want to embark on the adventure of your own refinement attempts, they are for you Members of regional fruit and horticultural associations are usually happy to provide helpful tips and practical tips to the side. The subtleties of refinement are simply easier to understand in practice than through mere theory.

What is the best time to plant columnar fruit?

Column fruit is ideally planted in autumn, but container goods from the trade can now be planted almost all year round in frost-free weather. Extreme heat and dry periods should be avoided, and the roots should not dry out when planting or transplanting.

What do you have to pay attention to during the flowering and harvesting times?

During the flowering and harvesting periods, your column fruit should:

  • pour enough
  • regularly check for pests
  • sometimes remove some of the fruit early

Since column fruit often produces a lot of fruit, problems can arise when ripening. You will therefore get better quality if, with a heavy heart, you forego some of the fruit from the start.

Which substrate is suitable for column fruit?

Since the term "columnar fruit" is a collective term based on the shape of the plant, the question of the right substrate cannot simply be answered across the board. However, it usually does not hurt to enrich the normal garden soil with ripe compost when planting and also to avoid waterlogging as much as possible.

At what distance can column fruit be planted?

Most column fruit trees develop side branches over the years, which you as a gardener can shorten to a length of about two to four pairs of leaves. So even with an intended use as a Privacy screen if there is enough light and air to reach all leaves, a planting distance of approx. one meter between the plants should be kept as close as possible.


When planting column fruit, always make sure that the clearly visible grafting point is never covered by soil. Otherwise rot can occur, which can sometimes cause plants to die completely.