These strains survive the cold

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Verbenas - the delicate flowering perennials

As a rule, most of the verbenas originally from South America cannot tolerate frost. As soon as the display of the thermometer shows a few degrees below 0, this could mean the end of the verbs. In this country, these plants are usually annual and not perennial.

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  • Simple or time consuming - the maintenance of the verbena
  • The most proven way of propagating a verbena
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Are there hardy verbenas?

But there are types of verbena that can survive the winter without damage. You can use your Location eke out their existence. Such types are for example:

  • the verbena also known as Verbena officinalis
  • Verbena hastata
  • Verbena canadensis (with winter protection)

How can you get verbenas over the winter?

You can bring the frost-sensitive verbena over the winter. But is it worth the effort? Because verbenas are easy to sow and like to sow them yourself multiply, it is not worth it to be overwinter .

If you still intend to do so - for verbenas on the balcony: In October, before the first frost, die

Verbena bring into the house. Radically cut off the shoots to just above the ground. Choose a cool, light and airy room in which to accommodate them. Water regularly but sparingly until spring. From May the verbena can be returned to the balcony.

For verbenas in the field or Garden: All above-ground parts of the plant in autumn cut off. Cover the root area thickly with leaves or brushwood. In spring remove the protective blanket and, if necessary, fertilize.

Tips & Tricks

Since hibernating the verbena involves a lot of effort, it is advisable to sow this plant anew every year. Balcony plants, in particular, take up a lot of space in your home during the winter months and require a regular supply of water.


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