Recognize and treat diseases

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Recognize and fight aster wilt

The leaves of the aster hang limply. As if they were suffering from drought. But the earth is not dry. On the contrary, it is actually quite damp. The cause behind the limp leaves is probably the aster wilt.

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This disease often occurs in pillow asters. The leaves soon turn brown to black until they finally die off. In the long term, the plant can no longer be helped. To prevent it from infecting other asters, it should be disposed of as soon as possible.

In the location where the aster wilt occurred, you should stop planting asters for a few years. The fungal pathogens overwinter in the ground and can re-infest newly planted or sown asters. So look for a new one Location for your asters out!

Recognize and treat powdery mildew

A second disease that is more common in asters is the real one mildew. The plant is particularly at risk of powdery mildew if its leaves are constantly moist. Infested parts should be cut off and disposed of with household waste rather than on the compost.

This is how you can recognize the disease:

  • white to gray spots on the upper side of the leaf
  • later: flour-like coating on the leaves
  • shoots and buds can also be attacked
  • eventually the infected parts of the plant turn brown
  • Leaves fall off
  • Flowers do not open
  • the entire plant stunted

Common causes of diseases in asters

In most cases, the illnesses are caused by care errors. Also an unsuitable location and one that is too rare division can be reasons. This is also how you can prevent disease infestation:

  • with horsetail stock, garlic stock, nettle stock etc. strengthen
  • do not pour on the leaves
  • Do not measure the planting distance too small (min. 30 cm)
  • choose resistant varieties


For the sake of the environment and your wallet, avoid treatment with chemical fungicides. Strengthen your asters and tweak them careso that the said diseases do not occur in the first place.