How to dry the most beautiful flowers

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Flower selection

If the petals contain too much moisture, the drying process takes longer. Particularly thick petals therefore require more patience. Spherical and filled specimens are difficult to dry because the individual components lie on top of each other during pressing. Therefore, most garden roses are not suitable. Roses like the Hunds rose with five petals turn out to be the perfect choice. But you can also venture into multi-leaf specimens if you pay attention to good moisture management.

also read

  • It's not just fun for children - drying and pressing leaves
  • Great tips and techniques on how to press flowers
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Pick flowers

The trees should be at the beginning or in the middle of their flowering period in order to achieve the best possible results. The older the rose petals, the faster the colors are lost when they are preserved. Observe the growth at the time of the bud development. The ideal time to pick is around three days after a flower has opened.

Good to know:

  • do not collect in the morning, as drops of dew adhere to the petals
  • wait until the morning with the collection campaign
  • endure rainy days and prefer sunny conditions


Depending on the shape and thickness of the collected plant material, you have the option of different methods. For roses, we recommend drying them in a book or the microwave.

a book

Rose petals with five petals can be pressed into discarded books. Open the middle of the book and line it with blotting paper. Spread the material out in the middle of the book page and close the pressing device. An additional weight improves the result.


For thicker petals you will need two sheets of paper and cardboard as well as two ceramic tiles. Drape the plant material in the middle of the absorbent base, which you cover with another layer and place between two cardboard sheets. The tiles prevent the plant parts from curling. Fix the press with rubber bands and heat them on the highest setting for one minute. Repeat the process if necessary, gradually reducing the duration.

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