Sowing rosemary »A detailed guide

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Rosemary is a light source

The fine rosemary seeds should be placed under glass or from mid to late April in Cold frame be applied. Since, like so many herbs, rosemary is also a light germ, the seeds should only be covered very thinly with earth or simply pressed on. The germination time is about three to five weeks. You can do the following when sowing:

  • Fill small seed pots with herb or lean ones Potting soilthat you mix with sand in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • The earth should be as fine as possible. To do this, you can sieve them beforehand.
  • Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Now spread the seeds evenly.
  • To make this work better, you can also mix them with sand and only then sow them.
  • Now sprinkle thinly - about twice the seed strength - fine soil over it.
  • Using a board, press o. ä. the seeds lightly.
  • Put the planter in a warm and bright place.
  • The temperature should be between 18 and 22 ° C.
  • Keep the substrate evenly moist.

also read

  • Propagate rosemary successfully
  • How to grow rosemary
  • Propagate rosemary from seeds

Germination can be stimulated by using gibberellic acid, a plant growth hormone.

Seeds germinate very unevenly

Rosemary seeds germinate very irregularly, you may need to be very patient. The plants are pricked out in individual pots as soon as the first real leaflets grow after the two cotyledons. A transplant should However, do not take place until the following year, as the young plants are still very sensitive in the first year of standing and by no means can overwinter outside. You would most likely freeze to death. The plants are grown from mid to late May - ergo after the ice saints - at a distance of approx. Set 30 x 40 centimeters in the bed.

Tips & Tricks

Young plants should be evenly moist - but never wet! - be kept until they have reliably taken root and are well established. However, fertilization is not necessary.


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