Single leaf leaves leaves hanging: how often water Spathiphyllum?

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Single leaf leaves leaves hanging

table of contents

  • causes
  • Save plant
  • Pouring properly

The one-sheet (bot. Spathiphyllum) is considered to be very easy to care for and is also well suited for beginners. Since it also has an air-purifying effect, it is very common in public buildings and offices. Not without good reason, because the different varieties, some with variegated leaves, are all very decorative. However, if the single leaf, also known as the peace lily or leaf flag, leaves its leaves hanging, its attractiveness is quickly lost.


There are different, even contradicting, reasons for leaves stuck on the single sheet, and there are different ways to fix them. It is also important to ask whether your Spathiphyllum has been in your possession for a long time or has just been bought. In any case, you should react quickly.

Reasons for leaves hanging on the single sheet:

  • Plant pot that is too small and / or poor-quality potting soil
  • too little poured
  • poured too much
  • too warm location
  • too dark location
  • rather rare: spider mite infestation

A single leaf is also called a leaf flag

Save plant

For reasons of space and cost, many indoor plants are used in too small pots and or poor quality potting soil sold. If the leaf sags shortly after buying it, you should first water the plant and then repot it as soon as possible. Loosen up the old potting soil and remove it as far as this is possible without damaging the roots. Find a pot that is big enough and use good quality soil for potted plants. Make sure you put a drainage layer of potsherds or coarse gravel on the bottom of the pot, then you can enjoy the leaf flag for a long time.

Be sure to give your scrolls one bright and warm location. The ideal temperature is between 15 ° C and 25 ° C. If the location is hotter, the plant quickly becomes limp. Then the single leaf quickly leaves the leaves hanging. Also, peace lilies like one high humidity. They do not tolerate dry heating air very well, mainly because it is infected with it Spider mites promotes. With the help of a humidifier, you can adjust the humidity relatively easily to the needs of the single sheet. Alternatively, spray the plant from time to time with well-tempered (lukewarm) water that is ideally free of lime.

What do I do when the earth is too wet?

Soil that is too wet has to be replaced as well as old or poor quality. When replacing, be sure to check the roots for rotten and soft spots. Remove these consistently. If there are still enough healthy roots left, place the single leaf in fresh soil, press it carefully and water the plant only a little. In the next few days, keep the watering to a minimum, just so that the substrate is a little damp.

Pouring properly

The warmer the single leaf is, the more often it should be watered. Always check the substrate beforehand. If it is still slightly damp, you do not need to water the plant yet. If the top layer is slightly dry, then it is time to give water, because the root ball of the single leaf should never be completely dry. In winter, the peace lily takes a break from around October to January. During this time, the water requirement decreases and you should water the plant less often and more sparingly. The peace lily also likes to spend the rest phase a little cooler, at approx. 15 ° C. Many bedrooms are well suited for this time.

Single leaf with its elegant, white flower

Tipp: If you are going on vacation or if you do not have the opportunity to water your leaf regularly for other reasons, move it to a cooler room or hydroponically plant it.