Are the flowers of the olive herb edible?

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The herb is edible

Olive herbs bloom beautifully from June and are therefore a flashing light in rock gardens, herb beds and wherever sun and permeable, dry soil await. However, this plant is also edible, which few gardeners know. Those who eat their plant parts do not have to worry about toxic ingredients. Holy herb It even tastes good, because its aroma is reminiscent of the popular pickled olives.

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Hard flowers spoil the enjoyment

With good care, the olive herb will bloom profusely. Since the plant is an edible herb, it is reasonable to assume that its flowers are also edible. People who have followed their curiosity and tried the flowers have not repeated this pleasure a second time. The small yellow flowers are so firm that it is no pleasure to eat them.

But you are welcome to form your own opinion! All you have to do is wait until June, when this herb plant begins to bloom.


If your olive herb is intended for consumption, you should only provide it with an organic fertilizer and refrain from any chemicals!

The leaves are a treat!

The needle-like leaves develop an intense taste in a sunny location. It doesn't matter that the flowers cannot be used in the kitchen. You are allowed to take care of the ornamental value undisturbed. Draw your culinary attention to leafy green:

  • individual branches if necessary cut
  • Harvesting is possible all year round
  • the leaves can too frozen will


In the fall, remember to bring the delicious olive herb safely through the winter. While planted specimens are covered in the bed, container specimens should be cool and light in the house overwinter.