Planting cherry tree in the garden

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Which cherry trees are suitable for growing in the home garden?

For cultivation in the home garden - depending on the size of the garden - cherry trees in the form of High tribes, Half-logs or bush trees. Column and shaped fruit can also be grown on the terraces or balconies in sufficiently large planters. the Variety selection is considerable in both sweet and sour cherries. One should not be guided by the taste of the fruit alone, but above all by the local and climatic conditions.

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In which location do cherry trees thrive?

Cherry trees - especially the sour cherries - do not have high demands on the Location. As long as the garden area is sufficiently sunny and protected and the ground is not too heavy and too wet, the sweet and sour cherry trees planted in a suitable manner provide consistently high levels Income. Due to the early flowering, the cultivation of sweet cherries in late frost locations is only possible to a limited extent.

When and how do you plant cherry trees?

For sweet and sour cherries is the Autumn planting the cheapest. The young cherry trees form over the course of the Winter half-yearas long as there are no degrees of frost, wound tissue and fiber roots. They are therefore partially rooted by the beginning of budding and can immediately start with their normal Water and nutrient absorption kick off. Planting is not done until mid-October.

How do you propagate cherry trees?

Every cherry tree consists of at least two plant parts: a root part (the base) and a sprout part (the noble rice). the Multiplication is done by the Grafting of the noble rice on the base. In this way, the variety of noble rice lives on in the new cherry tree. Basically it is possible to make a cherry tree out of one Cherry pit to breed. However, it remains uncertain which fruits or whether it will even bear fruit. In fruit growing, the risk of sexual reproduction is therefore avoided and it is propagated vegetatively by means of grafting.

Do many flowers mean many fruits?

The sweet cherry begins to bloom from mid-April and the sour cherry from the end of April / beginning of May. In general, the numerous blooms promise a good yield. However, the flower must first be fertilized in order for it to develop into a cherry. Most sorts of sour cherries are self-fertile, The sweet cherries usually need a suitable pollinator cherry tree nearby that is blooming at the same time.

Tips & Tricks

An important care measure for the cherry trees is regular pruning. This not only keeps the crown in shape, but also promotes flowering and yield.

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