Season, harvest time and growing tips

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This is how root parsley grows

The species Petroselinum crispum subsp. Is hidden behind the parsley root. tuberosum, which is available in supermarkets all year round. The main season extends from November to February, which makes the plant a winter vegetable. Occasionally, the harvest takes place as early as October.

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The umbelliferae is a biennial plant that forms parsley-like and aromatic leaves in the first year. During the growing season, the plant stores nutrients in the roots. They grow up and are used for survival so that the species can sprout in the coming spring. In the second year the blossoms and fruits develop. The tap roots are then no longer suitable for harvesting because they lose their taste and ingredients.

Influence the yields positively

Root parsley is grown outdoors or in a greenhouse. the sowing

takes place between March and April directly outdoors, because then you can make optimal use of the soil moisture of winter. The later you sow the seeds, the more restricted the roots and the grow Crop yields sink. It takes between 15 and 20 days for the first cotyledons to appear. The seeds germinate rather irregularly and slowly.

Sow correctly:

  • Pay attention to a row spacing of 30 centimeters
  • Allow seven centimeters of space between the plants
  • Press seeds one to two centimeters deep into the ground
  • Keep the substrate evenly moist
  • pull weeds regularly


As soon as the roots grow, a coordinated water supply is necessary. The herbaceous plant requires loose and well-drained soil. This not only promotes growth, but also contributes to a better harvest. If the subsoil is heavily compacted, waterlogged or stony, the tap roots often show curvatures. The location offers sunny and warm conditions.


You should water the plants regularly until mid-June so that the soil is moist but not wet. Remove unwanted weeds, because the parsley root is considered less competitive and is quickly overgrown. Frost poses no threat to the roots.

Notes on harvest

Avoid picking leaves during the growing season. The more leaf mass a plant loses, the more limited the root growth. The excavation of the mature organs of survival begins in late autumn. You can harvest the winter vegetables fresh all winter long. At this time the crop is in a pause, so growth stagnates and the taproots keep their freshness until spring.


Choose a frost-free day and loosen the soil along the rows with a sow tooth. Pull the root parsley out of the earth by the tuft of leaves.