These varieties are now ready for harvest

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The hogweed is native to meadows. Not to be overlooked with a height of up to 2 m. Leaves and stems are collected. Above all, it is rich in:

  • vitamin C
  • calcium
  • magnesium

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Wild garlic

The onions sprout as early as March or April. A fine scent of leek can be heard during a walk in the forest. Leaves and flowers are edible.


Not only the well-known wild garlic pesto can be prepared with this weed. Go on a journey of discovery on the Internet. You will be amazed at the variety of recipes.


The burning of the hair only scares off the ignorant. Anyone who knows about the valuable ingredients will look at this weed with different eyes. It can be prepared like spinach but can also be added raw in smoothies.


Nobody likes to harm the daisy. But the plant can cope with a few fewer leaves. The flowers themselves are also welcome as edible decorations.


Anyone who has the ground elder in the garden or knows a good collection point can save himself the work with spinach. The wild vegetables are much healthier and some people even taste better.


First he sends the yellow flowers. The leaves do not follow until much later. Coltsfoot was suspected of being harmful to the liver. But the doses of the substances are so low that the all-clear has now been given. If you don't really dare, you can enjoy it in moderation.


In spring he delivers us healthy lettuce leaves free of charge. Its flowers can also be eaten. Let the plant stand, then you can also harvest the roots in autumn.

Garlic mustard

This weed smells like garlic. All you need to do is rub a sheet of paper. Unlike the garlic bulb, it is generally well tolerated. It can be used raw for salads or smoothies, or as a seasoning herb added to many dishes just before the end of cooking.


It used to be the sorrel even cultivated in gardens. Nowadays it is being rediscovered by top gastronomy. That is why you can occasionally buy the slightly sour leaves in supermarkets. Picked wild, however, it has a much more intense aroma.


In spring it can be found in large quantities in sparse forests. The leaves are tart, spicy and somewhat hot. They should only be collected in small quantities and preferably before flowering.

Ribwort plantain

Tender leaves are suitable cooked as a substitute for spinach or raw as a spicy salad ingredient. They are cut across the length of the fibers. The edible flowers have a fine, mushroom-like taste.

Dead nettle

the Dead nettle can be used in many ways in the kitchen. Their taste is described as mushroom-like. The flowers can also be used for sweet desserts.


A Chickweed salad should taste very good. Experiment with this weed yourself. Its mild taste goes well with other salad ingredients. But even just one vinaigrette is enough for a wild culinary delight.

Meadow bedstraw

Its harvest season begins in spring and lasts all year round. It is particularly valued as a mild salad. In earlier times its healing powers were in the foreground.


Leaves and flowers taste like cress. The leaves are harvested before flowering as they turn slightly bitter afterwards. Its hot seeds can be used as a pepper substitute.