Loquat loosing leaves: what to do?

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Loquat, Photinia fraseri 'Red Robin'

table of contents

  • Loquat loosing leaves
  • Causes of leaf loss
  • Natural leaf change
  • Water shortage in winter
  • Summer heat and drought
  • Root rot
  • Infestation by voles
  • Black weevil infestation

The Loquat (Photinia) is an attractive evergreen plant that impresses with shiny green leaves in summer and red foliage in winter. It belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). About 60 different species of the common loquat from Asia are known. In Germany, the red-leaved variety Red Robin is the most popular. What to do if the plant loses foliage What reasons can lead to leaf loss? How can you prevent it?

Loquat loosing leaves

Locket are easy to care for. They spoil the gardener with a fast, bushy growth, glossy leaves, decorative white flowers and red fruits. The fruits are suitable not for human consumption, they are nutritious food for birds. Some varieties are ideal for keeping in pots.

Requirements for an optimal development of the medlars:

  • partially shaded, sheltered location - well drained, nutrient-rich soil
  • no waterlogging
  • regular fertilization
  • when planting hedges, a distance of 50 centimeters
  • strong pruning in spring, light pruning in late summer
  • Winter protection

Loquat 'Red Robin' likes a sunny to partially shaded location

Causes of leaf loss

If the loquat suddenly loses its leaves, you can

  • Care errors
  • Location error
  • Pests and diseases

but there are also natural causes.

Natural leaf change

Even with evergreen plants, new leaves form in spring and the old ones fall off. This is nature's way and nothing to worry about. You can recognize the new formation by fresh, light green leaves.

Water shortage in winter

If the loquat loses the young leaves immediately after they have developed, damage from severe frost last winter is usually the cause. Plants of the Photinia family are often offered as hardy to -20 ° C. This assessment is only partially correct, as medlars are only partially hardy. As evergreen plants, they also need sufficient moisture in winter. If this does not happen, the plant is weakened, the leaves dry up and fall off. The formation of new leaves and buds is then at risk.


  • Water medlars in winter
  • Pile up the roots and cover with sticks
  • Potash fertilization in summer


If your plants have been affected by lack of moisture in winter, a radical one will help Cut back. Cut the plant back to 50 centimeters above the ground. In most cases the plant will recover and soon a new, healthy shoot will form.

Note: Young plants are not winter-proof in the first three years. We recommend cultivating these in a bucket for the time being or protecting them from frost with a garden fleece.

Summer heat and drought

Extreme heat and drought in summer can be the cause of the loss of leaves in the common loquat. In extreme temperatures, potted plants should be placed in a sheltered, shady place. Loquat in the open field must be sufficiently watered in the cool morning hours. If possible, offer your plant some sun protection.


  • choose a shady location
  • mulch to reduce evaporation
  • pour enough


If the hedge plant loses leaves in hot summers, act immediately and provide adequate watering. In most cases, the plant can recover.

Root rot

It is not uncommon for the rotten roots to be the reason for the sudden loss of leaves in the common loquat. The cause of this can be waterlogging.


  • Prevent waterlogging with a permeable substrate and drainage
  • Water carefully and only when the surface is dry


If the roots of the plant are damaged by rot, commercially available fungicides promise help. It is possible to use natural remedies such as horsetail broth or chamomile stock. We recommend that the plant can recover

  • Dig up or Remove from the bucket
  • remove damaged roots with sharp, disinfected scissors
  • let air dry well
  • Use in a permeable, sandy substrate with a thick drainage layer
  • Water after a week at the earliest
Loquat can also be used as a hedge by cutting

Attention: If the plant is damaged too much, it must be safely disposed of in the general waste. The removed parts of the plant also do not belong on the compost.

Infestation by voles

Voles can seriously damage the roots of Photinia, especially in winter. They eat the roots, the plant can no longer absorb enough moisture and no longer has a firm footing in the soil. It suddenly loses its leaves. The young plants, which the rodents seem to like very much, are particularly at risk.


  • Do not plant medlars in autumn, but in spring
  • Plant young plants outdoors in special wire baskets
  • Mesh size no more than 20 centimeters, wire basket around the entire root ball


If you notice the voles infestation, act quickly. Help is provided by special plants, the smell of which the voles cannot tolerate. These include:

  • Onions, - garlic
  • Ornamental onion
  • Peony
  • mint

Plant these near your Photinia and it will be protected from voles.

tip: Do not chase your neighbour's cat out of your garden too often. It helps to sustainably reduce the vole population.

Black weevil infestation

The black vine weevil is one of the most feared pests of Photinia. It eats the leaves and its larvae damage the roots. If you notice semicircular feeding spots on the leaves, you are most likely dealing with the insect. The feeding spots do not represent a risk, even if the loquat's attractiveness suffers. The black weevil larvae, which grow in the ground and then eat the fine roots, are dangerous. Due to the damage to the fine roots, the loquat can no longer absorb enough water. In addition, there is an increased risk of fungal attack and rot on the damaged roots. The damage becomes visible through the loss of the leaves. The first black weevils can be seen in May. They are black and cannot fly, but they run fast. In July, the beetles lay several hundred eggs in the ground. Larvae that resemble white grubs hatch from this. Under favorable conditions, new populations emerge several times a year.

furrowed weevil
furrowed weevil


  • From May onwards, carefully check the leaves of the medlar for feeding spots and black beetles


Collect and destroy all bugs as early as possible. However, effective insecticides are also commercially available against the black weevil and its larvae. It is important that you pour larvae-killing substances in parallel and spray the foliage with agents against the beetles.