Good neighbors and bad neighbors

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Good neighbors for French beans

French beans go well with a wide variety of vegetables. Some even protect them from disease or pests. Here is a list of the best neighbors for French beans:

  • Savory: Keeps aphids away, can also be harvested and cooked together
  • Dill: Has a positive effect on the taste
  • Strawberries
  • Cucumber
  • Potatoes: Beans keep Colorado beetles away
  • Types of cabbage
  • Kohlrabi
  • Swiss chard
  • radish
  • Beetroot
  • salad
  • celery
  • tomatoes
  • zucchini

also read

  • Parsley's bad and good neighbors
  • Grow French beans in the greenhouse
  • Advantageous mixed culture for strawberries - good neighbors

The most important neighbor remains undetected

Bush beans enter into a symbiosis with bacteria in the soil, which ensure the accumulation of nitrogen at the roots. They supply the already quite frugal beans with nitrogen so well that bush beans don't actually need fertilization.

Bad neighbors for French beans

While good neighbors keep pests away from French beans, bad neighbors can even attract them. This is especially true when these neighbors are being consumed by the same pests. Other plants do not grow well on the side of beans because they do not tolerate a lot of nitrogen. B. Onions. You should therefore not plant French beans together with:

  • peas
  • fennel
  • garlic
  • leek
  • Onions

Don't mix too much

If you want to combine your French beans with several plant neighbors, you should again make sure that they are compatible with each other. Bush beans get along great with strawberries and cabbage, but strawberries and cabbage don't like each other at all. Dill and savory go well with everyone. Here is an overview of the tolerability of the good neighbors of French beans:

Strawberries Cucumber potatoes Types of cabbage Kohlrabi radish Beetroot salad celery tomatoes zucchini
Strawberries + + +
Cucumber + + + + +
Cabbage + + + + +
radish + + + +
Beetroot + + + + +
(Head) lettuce + + + + +
celery + + + + +
tomatoes + + + +

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