Dog chamomile ∗ The 10 best care tips and varieties

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The genus of the canine chamomile, Latin anthemis, occurs with a total of around 100 species mainly in Central and Southern Europe. Depending on the species, their distribution areas range from northern Europe to especially south-eastern areas such as Greece, Turkey, Israel and northern Africa.

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Here in Germany, the frugal perennial prefers stony ruderal areas, roadsides, dams and dry meadows. So it is not adapted to really luxurious habitats, which is also reflected in its very insensitive character. As a result, it does not need a lot of attention in garden culture and can also provide less experienced garden owners with a handsome flower bouquet.


Chamomiles grow either as annual, herbaceous plants or as perennials with slight lignification. Depending on the species, they reach about 20 to 50 centimeters in height. Their habitus is characterized by the large, textured leaves on the stems and the cup flowers typical of the daisy family.


The leaves of the canine chamomile alternately attach to the hairy stems that branch out and have a double pinnate shape. The elongated, linear-lanceolate single leaflets on the leaflets have a finely serrated edge. Most of the foliage is greyish-medium green in color.


As a daisy family, the Dog chamomile also the characteristic, cup-shaped inflorescences about 2 ½ to 4 centimeters in diameter. They stand individually at the ends of the stems and have a hemispherical, sometimes slightly raised head. The wreath of petals is multilayered, the individual leaflets are skin-edged, blunt and about half a centimeter to a full centimeter long. Depending on the species, the flowers are bright yellow to pale yellow or creamy white in color. The flowering period is usually between June and September. The abundance of flowers is enormous and, especially with continuous cleaning, new flowers are always formed.

The flowers are rich in pollen and nectar and are popular with bees and other beneficial insects. In this respect, it is also advisable to bring dog chamomile into the garden for a natural biological garden balance.

The flowers of the dyer's chamomile have another special property that is anchored in their name. They contain an intense, yellow stain dye that used to be used primarily to dye textiles.

Overview of flower properties:

  • Typical cup-shaped flowers of approx. 2 ½ to 4 cm in diameter
  • Single
  • Layered wreath of petals
  • Yellow to creamy white color
  • Long flowering period between June and September
  • Valuable insect pasture


After flowering, chamomiles form elongated, cylindrical to conical fruits with an angular cross-section. Numerous seeds are formed in the fruit, through which the dog chamomile effectively sows itself. In this way, despite the rather limited lifespan of the individual plants, it secures its existence in a very reliable way.


The canine chamomiles are often found in nature with us and are betrayed by their preferred ones Settlement areas already have their location requirements - which are generally not particularly demanding are. It usually grows where other plants have no foot (resp. no roots) - on stony construction sites or on railway embankments, she feels Dog chamomile very well and can give these otherwise rather desolate areas a joy of life Give paint.

In general, dog chamomile likes poor, sandy to rocky soils with little nutrient content. Anyone with a stony Garden soil otherwise has a hard time making anything bloom, finds a grateful buyer in dog chamomile. The only thing she wants a lot of is sunlight. What she doesn't want to know about, however, is waterlogging. So loamy, water-retaining soil is not for them at all. Above all, frost can be dangerous to her in winter.

Because it likes stony soils, the dog chamomile is ideal for planting rock gardens. If you want to bring a little flower color and a homely, simple charm to your rock garden, the Anthemis is recommended to you. Some varieties also form very dense cushion populations so that they can function as colorful ground cover.

Site requirements at a glance:

  • Generally very undemanding
  • Prefers sandy to stony, poor soils
  • Unfavorable: water-retaining, loamy soils
  • Loves the sun
  • Well suited for rock gardens

Plant spacing

If you want to plant dog chamomile in an area in the bed, the plant spacing depends on the type and variety you have chosen. The many variants reach slightly different sizes and sometimes form looser and sometimes denser clumps. For smaller and more loosely spreading species such as the silvery mountain chamomile, you should stick to around 9 to 12 plants per m². Larger species such as the garden dyer's chamomile that grow in densely groves need fewer specimens, around 4-5 per m².

In general, the following also applies: the more extensive your planting plan, the more plants you should plant.


In order to give canine chamomiles a vitalising boost, it is advisable to prune them back after flowering, i.e. around the end of September. This allows them to collect some energy for the winter. You should always cut off dead flowers soon to encourage them to grow again.

Chamomiles will retain their flowering for a long time even after the entire plant has been capped. This makes them ideal as cut flowers for bouquets.

To note:

  • Strengthening cure by pruning after the main flowering - preparation for winter
  • Clean off dead flowers continuously
  • Also lasts a very long time as a cut flower


Basically, most perennial canine chamomiles are hardy. So they can be planted permanently in the open without any problems and do not have to be brought into the house in autumn. If the temperature is very severe and the soil is not quite so permeable, you should protect the plants by covering them with fir branches or sackcloth.

In the pot

You can also cultivate dog chamomiles in a tub. So you can get the good mood flowers on the balcony or terrace - and with them too buzzing visitors who also provide a summery flair and also pollinate any neighboring plants can.

If you keep a dog chamomile in the pot, you have to be a little more careful and close-knit with the care. Here, for example, regular, if not particularly extensive, watering is necessary. Water only enough so that the root ball does not dry out completely. A mixture of normal is suitable as a substrate Potting soil and a good proportion of sand.

to water

As a rule, chamomile does not need a separate water supply. She generally likes it was rather dry. However, if you keep her in the bucket, you should give her some water regularly. Make sure, however, that the substrate has good drainage and that no waterlogging can occur.


No special fertilizer is required for chamomile - since it is adapted to poor soils, additional nutrients should be avoided. In the case of a bucket culture, if you value lush flowering, you can, if necessary, give fertilizer with a concentration of potash and phosphorus - but very sparingly and in low doses.


The dog chamomile takes care of its existence by itself. In addition, it usually forms seeds in abundance, with which it multiplies itself. If you want to specifically reproduce a dog chamomile, you can either use the seeds or use the plugging method.

Seed propagation

It is best to collect seeds from the fruits of your current canine chamomile population that have ripened at the end of September or beginning of October. It is best to store these over the winter. Put them in planters in spring Potting soilthat you place light and relatively warm. They can best be kept evenly moist under foil until they germinate.


Dog chamomile can also be easily propagated using cuttings. This method is not so time-consuming and is especially possible during the entire main vegetation phase. Simply cut off a young but well-developed shoot from the mother plant with a sharp knife. You can let it take root in one Growing substrate(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) or simply in a water glass.


Chamomiles are not only very easy to care for because of their undemanding location, water and nutrient requirements, they are also virtually immune to any disease. Even snails usually leave them alone.


The real chamomile has been valued as a medicinal plant for thousands of years, both externally and Internally for calming, anti-inflammatory, disinfection, anticonvulsant and digestive aid utilized. Unfortunately, chamomile cannot offer these beneficial effects. On the contrary - it is even slightly poisonous. Therefore, care should be taken when collecting to avoid mix-ups. Some species of dog chamomile look very similar to real chamomile. However, it is very easy to avoid confusion.

Advice against confusion

Clear distinguishing features are on the one hand the smell: if the typical chamomile scent is missing and at most a herbaceous, faint odor can be perceived, you have no real chamomile in front of the Nose. On the other hand, in contrast to the real chamomile, dog chamomiles do not have a hollow, but a filled flower base.

Real chamomile also typically has slightly drooping petals that are not slightly jagged like those of the canine chamomile. Real chamomile is also much rarer than the canine chamomile species.

The harmful substance in canine chamomiles is the sesquiterpene lactone anthecotulide. It triggers allergy-like reactions such as skin irritation with intensive skin contact and with excessive consumption swelling of the mucous membranes and irritation of the respiratory tract. But there is no mortal danger.

To note:

  • In contrast to real chamomile, dog chamomile is slightly poisonous
  • Contains sesquiterpene lactone anthecotulide
  • Causes skin irritation, swelling and irritation of the respiratory tract
  • No mortal danger


There is also a slight risk of poisoning for dogs because of the sesquiterpene lactone anthecotulide - but this is because of the These four-legged friends usually have a low urge to eat plants and the concentration of the substance in the plant is not very high negligible.


Some of the dog chamomile varieties for the garden and balcony are now available in specialist shops. In terms of breeding, however, only a fraction of the many different species is represented. The most common varieties to be found are the dyer's dog chamomile, the Carpathian dog chamomile or the mountain chamomile.

Dyer's chamomile

The dyer's chamomile, botanically Anthemis tinctoria, is in turn divided into several subspecies. The subspecies Anthemis tinctoria tinctoria is the most commonly available for horticulture - its common name is accordingly also garden dyer's chamomile. Of this subspecies, for example, the variety Dwarf Form is particularly popular.

* Dwarf form *:
The garden dyer's chamomile 'Dwarf Form' is characterized by its rich, golden-yellow flowers, which with a relatively large, plate-shaped head of about 5-10 centimeters in diameter very decorative works. The flowers appear from June and delight with their colorful, cheerful splendor until September. The garden dyer's chamomile is particularly appealing because of its aromatic scent, which is unusual for a dog's chamomile.

Its abundance of pollen and nectar is also a very positive characteristic of this variety - by planting it you can attract welcome beneficial insects and increase the biodiversity of your garden.

The plant becomes about 25 to 40 cm high and shows a bushy, dense, clumpy habit. As a result, the garden dyer's chamomile is also particularly suitable as a cushion-forming ground cover, especially for rock garden plantings.

Syllable mountain chamomile

The silvery mountain chamomile, botanically Anthemis marshalliana, originating from Asia Minor, hardly differs in its flower color from the garden dyer's chamomile. Its flowers are also deep golden yellow and also have a very similar morphology, albeit with a somewhat more bowl-like shape. In addition, they are significantly smaller with only 4 cm in diameter. They appear a little earlier in the year, namely in May, and persist until July. The silvery mountain chamomile is also a valuable one Bee pasture.

The entire plant height is also a little behind that of the garden dyer's chamomile, at around 20 to 30 centimeters.

The special charm, which gives the species its name, is its silvery green foliage, which is arranged in rosettes and exudes a delicate elegance. The structurally interesting, silver-green leaf shimmer can set a beautiful accent, especially in bouquets, for which the species is also well suited because of its cut-compatible blooms.

Carpathian dog chamomile

The Carpathian dog chamomile, botanically Anthemis carpatica, also has the beautiful nickname 'Carpathian snow'. This is no coincidence, as it describes on the one hand their origin from the heights of the Carpathians and on the other hand their appearance fully in all its properties: it actually blooms in pure snow white with a yolk yellow pistil and forms dense, low ones Upholstery. As a result, the areas planted with it appear as if they have been freshly snowed.

The flowers have a rather small size of around 5 cm in diameter, but they are all the more numerous and therefore so carpet-forming. They appear from May, but unfortunately only stay until June. The finely pinnate foliage is light green

This species only reaches about 10 to 25 cm in height and up to 20 or 30 cm in width.

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