How is it maintained here?

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Regenerate outside

Summer time means for that Cyclamen Regeneration time. It should be protected for 8 weeks and allowed to regenerate outside. Cyclamen that were in the house while they were in bloom should go outside in summer.

also read

  • Handle the cyclamen properly after flowering
  • Cyclamen during their heyday
  • Can the cyclamen stand outside?

Reduce fertilizing and watering

The cyclamen should be economical during the rest period poured and not be fertilized. The earth shouldn't dry out. As a precaution, it is advisable to close the root area of ​​the cyclamen mulch.

Already from the end of the Heyday the water supply is slowly reduced. This is recommended so that the leaves dry out. Who the pouring and Fertilize does not restrict and thus prevents a resting phase, must expect that his cyclamen has a lower life expectancy.

You shouldn't expect too much of the cyclamen until June. From the end of June / beginning of July, you can again discreetly fertilized will. In late summer (towards the end of September) you can have the cyclamen move back into the house.

Cyclamen do not like heat or drought

So that summering works: Put your cyclamen in the garden in a shady place. Locations under bushes or shady trees are well suited. There these heat-sensitive perennials are spared from summer heat and drought.

Propagate and repot in early summer

Before the cyclamen's growing season begins again in late summer, you have various options, some of which would be more harmful to the plant during the growing season:

  • Repot
  • Transplanting
  • Division of the tuber
  • Sowing the seeds

Summer cyclamen bloom from August to September

But there is one exception: the summer cyclamen. They usually start to flower in August and last until September. Such specimens should always be placed or kept as cool as possible. to be planted. Otherwise they will not bloom for long.

Tips & Tricks

The first flower buds of cyclamen should have formed by autumn. If this is not the case, it is possible that the cyclamen did not survive the summer and died, for example, due to drought.