This is the easiest way to do it

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Simple propagation via cuttings

A Propagate money tree You best over Cuttings. To do this, either cut off head cuttings of around 12 centimeters in spring, let them dry for a few days and then stick them in prepared ones Growing pots.(€ 16.68 at Amazon *) Alternatively, you can put them in a glass of water until they take root.

also read

  • Propagating a money tree - this is how you gain offshoots
  • Never over-fertilize a money tree
  • When and how do you need to repot a money tree?

Even a single leaf or part of it is enough to grow a money tree. All you have to do is place the leaves on the prepared substrate and press them down a little.

The cuttings are placed bright and warm - but not directly sunny. The soil is kept moderately moist. The cuttings take root within a few weeks.

Maintaining a money tree properly

Put the money tree in a bright, warm place, in summer also outside. It tolerates direct sun well. Only after repotting or as a cuttings does he not really like sun exposure.

Pouring is sparse, so that the root ball does not dry out completely. During the growth phase from March to October, one fertilization per month is sufficient. In winter there is no fertilization and less watering.

The money tree is not hardy and must be cared for at temperatures between 5 and 16 degrees. In summer, temperatures should be between 20 and 27 degrees.

What to do if the leaves change color or fall off

If the money tree is not doing well, this can be seen primarily in the leaves:

  • they fall off
  • turn yellow
  • show brown spots
  • become soft

White dots are usually not a sign of disease or pest infestation, but rather that there is too much water in the substrate. One The leaves turn red is also harmless. It is caused by strong direct sunlight.

Most damaging leaf discoloration is caused by incorrect location, too frequent watering and Fertilize or by pest infestation Mealybug or Spider mites.


Basically, a money tree can also be grown from seeds. However, it is much more difficult to sow it than to use cuttings for propagation.