Bleeding heart ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips

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Plant a tearful heart properly

Ideally, you should plant spring-blooming perennials in autumn. If the Bleeding Heart comes into the earth between the end of August and the beginning / middle of October, you can look forward to the first bloom as early as next May. The flower feels in good hands in a sunny to partially shaded location with fresh, moist and nutrient-rich soil. Place the potted young plant with the root ball in water while you weed and rake the bed. It continues in these steps:

  • The planting pit is twice deeper and wider than the root ball
  • In moist soil, a drainage system made from potsherds prevents damaging waterlogging
  • The excavated earth with compost, Horn shavings,(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) Sand and Rock flour(€ 12.33 at Amazon *) enrich
  • Plant the flower down to the lower pair of leaves and water generously

also read

  • The bleeding heart in the profile
  • Bleeding heart is hardy
  • Bleeding heart blooms from May to August

It is good for the moisture-loving flower if it is mulched with leaves or bark after planting. The procedure is similar in the pot, in which case drainage over the water drain is mandatory.
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Care tips

As if the plant were aware that its flowering time falls during the hobby gardener's busiest time, it is content with the following care program:

  • A start fertilization in May with compost and horn shavings in the bed
  • Liquid in the pot every 2 weeks fertilize in half concentration
  • Clean up dead flowers
  • Back cut close to the ground when the leaves have drawn in
  • If it is dry, pour normal water directly onto the roots

In exposed locations, cover the bleeding heart with leaves and brushwood before the first frost. In the planter, the flower moves to frost-free winter quarters. If there is a risk of belated frost in the spring, an inverted flower pot, wrapped in fleece, protects the sprouting plant from frostbite.
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Which location is suitable?

A bleeding heart reaches its optimum in the light shade and protection of deciduous trees. The blazing sun affects the flowers so much that it brings tears to the gardener's eyes. Where there is sufficient soil moisture, the flower will tolerate a sunny location as long as it is spared the midday sun. A sheltered location is just as important for a harmonious silhouette, as the delicate flower stalks are quite brittle.
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The correct planting distance

A plant spacing of 70 cm is well chosen so that the flower shows off its grace to perfection. There should not be more than 2 copies per square meter. Put miniature varieties in the soil at a slightly smaller distance of 30 cm. The curved flower stems of this elegant plant should not touch each other as an effective prevention against fungal infections.

What soil does the plant need?

If you choose a soil with the following criteria for the romantic cottage garden plant, it will feel right at home:

  • Fresh, moist and well drained
  • Rich in nutrients and with vital soil life
  • A neutral to slightly alkaline pH

In the balcony box or tub, the flower favors a loose one Potting soil based on compost, optimized with sand, Perlite(€ 39.50 at Amazon *) and something Rock flour.

What is the best time to plant?

The best time to plant a perennial that blooms in spring is autumn, when the ground is still warm from the sun in the months of August to October. By the time winter arrives, the flower has established itself very well on the site. The next season starts with a bleeding heart with a vital growth lead that leads to a pompous abundance of flowers.
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When is the flowering time?

As a classic spring bloomer, the plant delights us from May to June with its enchanting, pink-white heart blossoms. Cultivars with a pure white bloom even last until July. If you clean the withered flowers regularly, the idyllic flower pile will remain throughout the entire flowering period.
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Cut the tearful heart correctly

After an abundant spring bloom, the flower moves in quickly with the beginning of summer. Since the withered flowers and leaves quickly become unsightly, cut the plant parts to just above the ground. Please do not neglect to wear protective gloves when doing this work, as the poisonous content of this plant can cause unpleasant skin irritations.
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Water the tearful heart

A soil of varying moisture, neither dry nor waterlogged, has a vitalizing effect on an opulent flowering of flowers. Water regularly directly on the root area and avoid overhead watering of the distinctive plant. The water requirement in the pot turns out to be higher than in the bed, so that the substrate should be checked daily, especially in a sunny location. You can safely use normal tap water as irrigation water.

Fertilize a tearful heart properly

With regard to the need for nutrients, the flower shows an undemanding frugality. In the bed, the plant is satisfied with a portion of compost and horn shavings in May. In the tightly limited substrate volume of the planter, we recommend the application of highly diluted liquid fertilizer from May to June every 14 days.


The roots of a Marian flower are very popular with voles. The pests do not care much about the poisonous content. To prevent the pests from feasting on the plant, plant a bleeding heart in a close-knit vole basket in endangered beds.


The plant is completely hardy and easily withstands temperatures down to - 23 degrees Celsius. Nevertheless, problems can arise if the early budding is threatened by belated ground frosts. In rough locations and for a bleeding heart in the pot, we therefore recommend the following precautions:

  • In winter, pile up the plant with leaves, brushwood or compost
  • When the ground is frozen in spring, put a flower pot over the budding flower and wrap it with fleece
  • Alternatively at night Garden fleece Spread over the bed

Cut back a Mary's flower in a pot in autumn and move the plant to frost-free winter quarters. This ensures that the root ball does not freeze through. Water the perennial during the cold season to prevent it from drying out completely.
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Increase the tearful heart

Dividing the roots is a straightforward method for propagation. Dig up the plant in spring or autumn and shake off the soil. On a stable surface, cut the root ball into two or more parts, each of which should have at least two shoots. Planted in the new location, you can look forward to a first bloom next spring.

As an alternative to division, cuttings can be propagated. In May or June, cut off non-flowering head cuttings with a length of 10-15 cm in order to care for them in pots with poor substrate. Since the shoots of this flower are a little brittle, a small stick is used for stabilization. A vital root system develops on the cutting by autumn, so that you can plant the young plant in the bed and in the tub.
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How do I transplant properly?

The plant tolerates a change of location without any problems. Ideally, you should transplant a bleeding heart in autumn after the pruning. If you choose a date in spring, this year's flowering will usually fail. The actual process of this measure is completely straightforward. Dig up the root ball widely and place it in the ground at the new location while maintaining the previous planting depth. By the way, transplanting is an excellent opportunity to multiply or rejuvenate the flower by means of division. As long as at least 2 eyes remain on a segment, the plant will willingly sprout again.
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A tearful heart in the pot

On the partially shaded balcony, bleeding heart in the pot creates a picturesque idyll if you give the flower the following care:

  • Test the substrate daily with a thumb test in order to water when it is dry
  • In May and June, apply a diluted liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every 14 days
  • Regularly clean withered flowers
  • Repot every 1-2 years

After the foliage has been completely drawn in in the summer, cut the plant to just above the ground. A bleeding heart spends the winter in a frost-free room in order to move to the balcony in good time after the last frosts on the ground.

Is a tearful heart poisonous?

Botanists attribute a bleeding heart to the poppy family, which indicates a toxic level that is hazardous to health. In fact, all parts of this plant contain poisonous alkaloids. The heart-shaped, pink and white flowers in particular have a tempting attraction for children to put in their mouths like candy. Refrain from colonizing this poisonous flower where cultivation out of the reach of children and pets is not possible.
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Which plant neighbors go well with the Marienblume?

Since a bleeding heart loses its beauty after flowering, the choice of suitable plant neighbors plays a role Perennial bed an important role. The following plants quickly fill any gaps that arise after the flower has been cut back:

  • Light blue Caucasus forget-me-nots (Brunnera macrophylla)
  • Gold-Milkweed (Euphorbia polychroma)
  • White snakehead (Chelone obliqua)

Japanese mountain grass (Hakonechloa macra) is the ideal partner in the bed, because with its decorative, lanceolate stalks in summer and autumn the mantle of oblivion over the retracted leaves of a Mary flower spreads. In spring, the grass makes room for a new pink and white bloom in good time.


You can easily find out why people like to refer to the bleeding heart as a “man in the bathtub”. Pick a heart blossom, turn it around and pull it apart slightly. Immediately the striking resemblance to a white man in a pink tub emerges.

Nice varieties

  • Goldheart: a premium variety whose bright gold-yellow foliage contrasts with the pink flowers
  • Alba: white flowering bleeding heart with a long flowering time from May to June
  • Burning Hearts: distinctive miniature variety with a height of 30 cm and red heart blossoms over blue-gray foliage
  • Valentine: the premium variety captivates with cherry-red and white flowers over red-tinged foliage