Keep money tree as a houseplant

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Money trees can get very old

If you properly care for a money tree, you will enjoy it for many years. Money trees, or penny trees, as they are also called, can live well over ten years.

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Of the Chinese money tree however, has nothing to do with the money tree as a houseplant. It is a kind of nettle and not Crassula, as the money tree is botanically called.

What care does a money tree need?

  • Pour infrequently
  • fertilize sparingly
  • cut occasionally
  • overwinter frost-free

Most money trees will illbecause they are poured too often. Water infrequently so that the root ball does not dry out completely. Even with that Fertilize you should be careful. Once a month is enough.

In winter, the money tree must be set up much cooler but frost-free, as it is not hardy. From October to March it is less watered and not fertilized.

Cut is only necessary if the plant is getting too big or should get a more pleasing shape.

The right location for money trees

The money tree likes it light and nice and warm in summer. It tolerates direct sunlight and can move to the balcony by autumn.

In winter it needs temperatures between 5 and 16 degrees. He doesn't tolerate frost at all. Make sure you have plenty of light even during the winter.

Penny trees ensure healthy air

Penny trees belong to the group of succulents. They store water in the leaves. These filter the indoor air from pollutants, so that a money tree can also be kept well as a houseplant in the bedroom.

The money tree does not contain toxins, so you can grow it safely, even if children and pets such as dogs and Cats live in the apartment.


The money tree must in the winter Stand significantly cooler when it is supposed to bloom the following year. The formation of new flowers is only stimulated by a change in temperature.

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