Single leaf gets yellow leaves

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If your single leaf initially gets a few yellow leaves, but these become more and more over time and You have the impression that for every yellow leaf you remove there are two new ones... then it could be Spider mites behind this phenomenon. The tiny little arachnids suck the leaf sap of the plant and are bare with it eye often unrecognizable. But you can put it to the test and mist the single sheet with a fine spray. If delicate, spider web-like webs become visible, the pests have hijacked your plant. Fortunately, spider mites are very easy to control because the animals feel very comfortable in dry heat. Provide a darker location and a higher level of humidity (for example by spraying the affected plant), then the arachnids will soon run away. By the way, other pests can also cause yellow leaves on the single leaf, but these are very rare.

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Furthermore, behind the yellow leaves there are often simple, but quickly remedied maintenance errors such as too frequent watering or not adequate fertilization. Although the single leaf needs a lot of water, especially in summer, it absolutely does not tolerate waterlogging. So if in doubt, it is better to check: The plant lets the leaves hang down and if they turn yellow, even though you water them well, it is best to pot them out and check the roots. If these rot due to excessive moisture, the plant will still die of thirst because it can no longer absorb sufficient water. In addition, the leaf discoloration can also be due to a simple lack of nutrients.


Repot your single leaf once a year in fresh substrate and in a larger pot so that the roots always have enough space and the plant has enough nutrients. Fertilize You only start at approx. six weeks after repotting, since the commercial one Potting soil is mostly pre-fertilized.